6 Habits of a person with my holy spirit. God's Message to You

6 Habits of a person with my holy spirit. God's Message to You

"My beloved child, do you know what it truly means to have My Spirit dwelling within you? It’s more than a fleeting emotion or a moment of spiritual high. It’s a divine transformation, a life completely renewed by My power and presence.

A Transformation Beyond Words

Picture the disciples—ordinary men like you—trembling in fear after I ascended. Yet, when I sent the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, they were never the same. Their words set hearts ablaze, their courage shook the foundations of cities, and their faith turned the world upside down. But this promise is not just for them—it’s for you too.

The Power of the Holy Spirit in You

Close your eyes and imagine… the same Spirit that parted the Red Sea, that breathed life into dry bones, that raised Me from the dead… That same Spirit dwells in you. Yet many of My children live as though they’re alone and powerless. They speak in tongues but lack the fire that purifies, the wisdom that guides, and the strength that overcomes sin.

Evidence of a Transformed Life

Do you know if you truly have My Spirit within you? I’m not asking if you have a form of godliness, I’m asking if you possess the power of a transformed life. You see, My child, when the Holy Spirit is alive and active within you, His presence will radiate like a beacon to everyone around you. This transformation is unmistakable—it cannot be faked or hidden.

The Fruits of the Spirit

You will feel the overwhelming love that heals deep wounds, the peace that stands firm in the midst of storms, and the joy that shines even in the darkest valleys. This is not a temporary change—it’s a permanent shift from being bound by fear and sin to walking in victory and righteousness. And I want that for you. I want you to feel the strength of My Spirit, to carry My presence everywhere you go.

Discerning the Spirit’s Work

But sadly, many are deceived. Some speak with eloquent words but lack the fruit of My Spirit in their actions. Others have tongues of angels but live with hearts untouched by My love. They appear holy, but deep inside, they are empty. Don’t be deceived. You must know how to discern.

Signs of the Spirit’s Presence

Listen closely, child. My Spirit is like a fire that refines and purifies. If you have truly received Him, there will be clear evidence in your life—habits that are not of this world. Do you find yourself loving others unconditionally, even those who have wronged you? Do you feel compelled to share the good news of salvation with boldness and without shame? Do you experience a hunger for My Word and My presence that nothing else can satisfy? These are signs that My Spirit is at work in you.

Empowered to Overcome

But there is more. My Spirit empowers you to overcome sin, to resist temptation, and to live in purity. He gives you strength to say ‘no’ when the world lures you with its fleeting pleasures. When others fall, you stand firm. When the enemy comes like a flood, you rise up, knowing that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Because with My Spirit, you are more than a conqueror.

Evaluating Your Heart

Child, I am calling you today to evaluate your heart. If the fruits of My Spirit are not evident in your life, come to Me. If you are struggling to live righteously, ask for My Spirit to fill you afresh. I am not far off—I am closer than the breath you breathe, waiting to pour out My power and presence into your life.

Surrender and Be Filled

So, surrender completely. Let go of every distraction, every sin that entangles, and every fear that holds you back. As you yield to My Spirit, He will guide you into all truth. He will reveal deep mysteries of My Word and give you wisdom beyond your years. He will stir up gifts within you that you never imagined possible, gifts that will bring healing, deliverance, and breakthrough to those around you.

A Life Filled with My Presence

Don’t you want that? A life so full of My presence that you become a living testimony of My power and grace? It starts with a willing heart. Invite My Spirit to fill every empty space within you. Surrender your doubts and fears. Say, ‘Lord, I am Yours, fill me with Your Holy Spirit.’ And as you do, I will release a fresh anointing over your life. You will walk in victory and power, and nothing—no trial, no storm, no evil force—will be able to stand against you.

A Picture of Spiritual Renewal

Beloved, let Me paint a picture for you. Imagine a barren tree in the dead of winter—stripped of leaves, lifeless, and fragile. But when spring comes, a mysterious force breathes life into it. Buds begin to sprout, flowers bloom, and fruits start to appear. It’s no longer just a tree—it’s a living testament of what life, growth, and transformation look like.

Bearing the Fruits of the Spirit

That’s what My Spirit does in you. He brings life where there was death, hope where there was despair, and power where there was weakness. Like that tree in spring, you begin to bear fruits that others can see, touch, and experience. The fruit of love—genuine love that embraces even those who’ve wronged you. The fruit of joy—deep, unshakeable joy that no circumstance can steal. The fruit of peace—perfect peace that surpasses understanding, calming your heart even when chaos is all around you.

The Fruits of the Spirit: Just the Beginning

But listen carefully, My child. The fruits are not the end; they are just the beginning. My Spirit wants to do so much more through you. He wants to reveal My heart to you, to make you My mouthpiece to speak life into the broken and the hurting. He wants to place His gifts in you—gifts of prophecy, wisdom, discernment, healing, and more—not for your glory, but so that through you, others might encounter Me.

Beware of Counterfeit Spirits and False Teachings

Yet, there is a danger in these last days. A danger of counterfeit spirits, false teachings, and empty displays of power. Not everyone who proclaims My name carries My Spirit. There are many who have a form of godliness, but they deny its power. You must be vigilant and discerning, for even the devil masquerades as an angel of light.

Recognizing the True Mark of My Spirit

So, how will you know if someone has My Spirit? How will you know if you, yourself, are walking in My Spirit? Let Me tell you: it’s not just about speaking in tongues or having prophetic dreams. Those things are good, but they are not the core evidence of My Spirit. The true mark of My Spirit is a life transformed—someone who overcomes sin, who lives in humility, who extends grace and mercy, and who loves selflessly.

A Life Transformed by My Spirit

It’s someone whose heart breaks for what breaks Mine, whose hands reach out to lift others up, and whose words speak truth, even when it’s hard to do so. Child, when My Spirit is in you, the chains of sin will break. Where you once stumbled, you will now stand firm. Where you once fell into temptation, you will rise in victory. This is not to say you won’t face trials or moments of weakness, but even in those moments, you will have the strength to get back up. You will have My Spirit to guide you, to convict you, and to comfort you.

The Path to a Deeper Connection with Me

Are you struggling to experience this power? Are you yearning for a deeper connection with Me? Then come closer, beloved. Draw near to Me, and I will draw near to you. The Holy Spirit is not far off—He is waiting for you to invite Him fully into your heart and life. You see, I am a God who respects your will. I will not force My way into your life. But if you open your heart and say, ‘Lord, fill me with Your Spirit, I desire You above all else,’ I will flood you with My presence.

What Happens When My Spirit Fills You

And when My Spirit comes, He will fill every empty space. Where there was sorrow, He will pour out joy. Where there was fear, He will release courage. Where there was confusion, He will bring clarity. You will no longer be a victim of circumstance; you will be a vessel of My glory, carrying My light into the darkest places.

Becoming More Like Me Through My Spirit

But remember, My child, having the Holy Spirit is not just about what He can do for you—it’s about becoming more like Me. It’s about allowing Him to shape you, to mold your character, and to refine your heart until you reflect My nature. This means being humble enough to admit when you’re wrong, being willing to forgive even when it’s hard, and choosing to love when it’s easier to hate.

A Visible Transformation: Let Your Light Shine

As you grow in My Spirit, people will begin to notice something different about you. They’ll see a peace that radiates from within, a love that’s unexplainable, and a strength that’s unshakeable. They’ll want to know what makes you so different, and in those moments, you’ll have the opportunity to say, ‘It’s not me. It’s the Spirit of the Living God within me.’

Don’t Settle for a Mediocre Life

So, beloved, don’t settle for a mediocre life. Don’t live in spiritual emptiness when I have promised you a life overflowing with My Spirit’s power and presence. Press in deeper. Surrender more. Seek Me with all your heart, and you will find Me.

Ready to Receive My Spirit?

I am ready to pour out My Spirit afresh upon you. I am ready to break every chain, heal every wound, and ignite a fire within you that no storm can quench. I am ready to show you the fullness of what it means to be My child, led by My Spirit, living in My power.

An Invitation to Experience Transformation

Do you want this, beloved? Do you want to live a life that not only survives but thrives in My Spirit’s abundance? Then lift your hands, open your heart, and say, ‘Holy Spirit, fill me. Transform me. Use me.’ And watch as I take you on a journey beyond your wildest dreams—a journey of power, victory, and divine purpose.

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