The Splitting of the Skies Over Jerusalem. God's Message Today

The Splitting of the Skies Over Jerusalem. God's Message Today

"My beloved child, imagine a day when the skies above Jerusalem—My holy city—are suddenly split open by a radiant light, unlike anything seen before. Imagine an entire city frozen in place, staring upward as My angels, with their wings like fiery gold, descend from the heavens. Their presence, glowing brighter than the sun, silences the bustling streets. As the light grows stronger, a figure appears—one who all of creation recognizes. It is I, your Savior, your Redeemer, standing in the midst of this celestial host, looking down upon the city that has long been at the heart of My story.

The City of Promise Illuminated by Glory

Do you see it, child? The same city where I wept, taught, and fulfilled My promise is now illuminated with My glory. The place where I carried the weight of the world’s sins on the cross is now witnessing My return in power and majesty. This moment—so sudden, so divine—carries with it a question for every heart on earth: Are you ready? Are you truly prepared to stand in My presence?

A Moment That Changes Everything

In the blink of an eye, everything you thought you knew can change. Those who stand beneath this spectacle will whisper in awe and tremble in reverence, for they will see Me as I am—the King of kings, the Lord of lords, shining in the full measure of My glory. Some will shout, ‘He is here! He is really here!’ while others, stunned and speechless, will feel the weight of their doubts and disbelief.

The World in Turmoil and the Unchanging Word

My child, the world is filled with confusion and turmoil. Conflicts rise and nations fall, but My word never changes. The time is drawing near when what you see in Jerusalem will not just be a vision or a distant dream, but a reality that shakes the foundations of the earth. Every prophecy, every promise I made, is converging on this one pivotal moment. What I said through My servants—Zechariah, Matthew, and John—will come to pass before your very eyes.

The Return of the Son of Man

Think back to what I have shown you in the scriptures: ‘As lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.’ (Matthew 24:27) When I come again, it won’t be in secret. It will be an event so mighty and so undeniable that no one will miss it. Just as I ascended from the Mount of Olives, I will return, and the nations will see Me, the One they have pierced. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that I am Lord.

Are You Truly Ready for My Return?

But I ask you now, child, are you truly ready for My return? Will you recognize My voice when I call out to you? When the heavens roar with the shout of the archangel and the trumpet of God sounds, will your heart leap with joy, or will it be filled with fear and regret?

The Groaning World and Rising Tensions

The signs are all around you. Open your eyes! The world is groaning under the weight of sin and darkness. Look at what is happening in Israel, the conflicts, the chaos, the tensions rising like never before. These are not mere political events—they are spiritual markers, leading to the fulfillment of My plan.

The Coming King and the Piercing Presence

Even now, I am moving in the heavens. There will come a day when I stand over Jerusalem again, not as the suffering servant but as the conquering King. My presence will pierce through the skies, and the city that has known so much pain will be bathed in the light of My glory. Angels will fill the sky, singing songs that will echo through the ages. Those who doubted will fall to their knees, and those who believed will lift their hands in worship, for they will see with their own eyes what their hearts have longed for.

Stay Vigilant in the Days of Darkness

Prepare yourself, child. The days ahead will not be easy. Darkness will fight against the light. False prophets will arise, performing great signs to deceive even My chosen ones, if that were possible. But you, My beloved, must stay vigilant. Do not be swept away by the fear or confusion. Hold on to what you know is true. Stand firm on the foundation of My word, and do not let your lamp go out.

Jerusalem: The Stage of the Great Unfolding

Jerusalem will be the stage of this great unfolding drama. When you see the armies gather, when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, know that these things must happen, but the end is still to come. The time will come when I set My feet upon the Mount of Olives, and it will split in two, as foretold by the prophet Zechariah. This is not a myth, child; it is your reality.

Choose Now: Fear or Faith?

And when that day comes, when My presence fills the sky and My angels blow their trumpets, will you be among those who say, ‘This is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us’? Or will you be among those who cry out in fear, ‘Hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne!’?

A Time to Reflect and Prepare

The choice is yours, child. I am giving you this time now—a time to reflect, to turn your heart fully towards Me, and to prepare for My return. I do not want you to be unprepared or caught off guard. I want you to be ready, standing with your lamp full of oil, your heart full of faith, and your spirit full of expectation.

Draw Near to Me

So, come to Me now. Do not wait until the skies break open and the earth trembles. Draw near to Me, and I will draw near to you. Seek Me with all your heart, and you will find Me. Hold fast to your faith, and do not be swayed by the voices that tell you otherwise. The time is coming, and it is closer than you think. I am coming soon, and I want you to be ready.

Children of the Light and the Day

Remember, My child, you are not in darkness that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are children of the light and children of the day. Be alert and self-controlled. Let your hope burn bright, for the One who promised is faithful. Keep watch, for I am coming."

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