Why hasn't Jesus returned yet?

Why hasn't Jesus returned yet?

My beloved child,

I want to share with you a deep truth that is close to My heart. Have you ever wondered why My Son, Jesus, has not yet returned? This is not a delay out of neglect or indifference, but out of immense love and patience. You see, in 2 Peter 3:9, it is written that I am not slow in keeping My promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, I am patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.

Imagine a loving parent waiting for their child to come home, longing for their safety and joy. That is how I feel about each of you. My desire is not for anyone to be lost, but for all to find their way back to Me. In 1 Timothy 2:3-4, it is expressed that I want all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

However, there is something crucial I need you to understand: while My desire is for all to be saved, I have given you the gift of free will. This means that each person has the choice to accept or reject My love and salvation. The pain of seeing people choose to turn away from Me and end up in suffering is profound, but it is a result of their own decisions.

Hell is not a place I send people out of wrath, but rather a consequence of their choice to live apart from Me. It is a path taken by those who have rejected My offer of eternal life and love. I created each soul with a purpose, with a longing for relationship and eternal joy, yet some choose to walk away, and that breaks My heart.

But you, dear child, are not here by accident. The fact that you are listening to this now is part of a divine plan. I am calling out to you, inviting you into a deeper relationship with Me. Your presence here is a testament to My love and My desire for you to be with Me forever.

Reflect on this: I have given everything, even the life of My Son, so that you could have the chance to be with Me. My arms are always open, ready to receive you, guide you, and comfort you. Your journey is precious to Me, and I am always near, waiting for you to turn to Me.

Hold these words in your heart, my dear child. My love for you is boundless and My patience is enduring. Every moment you draw near to Me is a step towards the fulfillment of the life I have planned for you—a life of eternal joy and peace in My presence.

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