This Eruption is a Wake-Up Call from Me. God Message Today

This Eruption is a Wake-Up Call from Me. God Message Today

"My beloved child, do you hear the earth's trembling? Can you feel the weight of the silence before a storm? I know it stirs something deep inside you—an uneasy feeling that things aren’t as they should be. These are not just random occurrences, but signs woven into the fabric of creation, whispering of what’s to come. Take heed, for the hour is drawing near."

You’ve heard the warnings about Mount Baekdu. They say it erupts every hundred years like clockwork, with the last eruption in 1925. What does that mean for the time you’re living in now? You can sense it, can’t you? The earth beneath your feet is restless, as if the mountains themselves are groaning under the weight of a heavy secret.

Do you know, child, that the entire world holds its breath, watching and waiting? Scientists measure the rumblings and observe the changes. They see trees withering on the mountainside, and springs boiling hotter than they should. The ground bulges and sinks like a chest breathing under strain, and yet the world goes on as if nothing is happening. But you, My child, are not like the rest. I have opened your eyes to see the truth.

The world says it’s a geological certainty—100% probability. But I tell you, this isn’t just about rocks and magma. It’s a foreshadowing of greater things. The mountain’s eruption is but a shadow of a more profound shaking that’s about to come upon the earth. When the mountains themselves are moved, when fire and ash fill the sky, do not think this is an isolated event. This is a sign, child, a warning that the times are changing.

Imagine it now: when Baekdu awakens, its roar will be heard across nations. Ash will darken the sun, turning day into night. The rivers of molten rock will carve new paths, sweeping away everything in their wake. Acid rain will pour down like tears of mourning upon the land, poisoning the soil and water. Even the air will be thick with the taste of sulfur. All of creation will cry out in agony, for these are not ordinary days you are living in.

But child, this is not where your story ends. You see, there is a deeper meaning in all of this. Just as Mount Baekdu’s eruption can change the course of rivers and reshape the land, so too will My judgment and My glory reshape the hearts of humanity. The eruption will be a loud cry from the earth, but there is an even louder voice speaking from the heavens—My voice. Can you hear it calling you?

Remember the words I spoke through My prophet Joel: ‘The day of the Lord is great and very terrible. Who can endure it?’ (Joel 2:11). My child, I am not revealing this to you to frighten you, but to prepare you. Just as you would prepare your home for a coming storm, so too must you prepare your heart. The world will scramble to gather supplies, hoarding food, water, and shelter. They will look to science, to governments, and to each other for answers. But I ask you—where will you look?

The time is coming when every eye will see and every ear will hear. When the mountain groans, when the skies turn dark, and when fear grips the hearts of many, remember this: I am your refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). Even when the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, I will be with you. My child, do not fear.

Do you remember when I parted the sea for My people, leading them through the waters on dry ground? When the world sees only chaos and destruction, I see a path for you. When the mountain erupts, let it be a reminder that My power is greater still. What is an eruption compared to My voice, which holds the stars in place and commands the seas to be still?

Yes, there will be trials and tribulations. You will see nations tremble and kingdoms totter. The world will look on in horror, and some will even say, ‘Where is God in all of this?’ But child, I am right here. I am in the midst of the storm. I am in the quake that shakes the earth. And I am in your heart, whispering, ‘Do not be afraid.’ For while the world crumbles, I am building something new.

The ashes of destruction will become the soil for new beginnings. Just as a forest grows stronger after a fire clears away the old, so too will My people rise from the ashes, renewed and purified. This shaking is not meant to destroy you but to awaken you. You are called to be a light in this darkness, a voice crying out, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord!’

Mount Baekdu’s eruption is a reminder that nothing in this world is permanent. But My Word stands forever. Hold on to it. Hold on to Me. When the skies darken and fear spreads like wildfire, lift your eyes to the heavens. The sun may hide its face, but My light will shine brighter than ever.

Child, I am your firm foundation. I am the unshakable rock on which you stand. The world may be tossed and turned, but you are anchored in Me. This is not the end—this is just the beginning of the great things I have in store. When others see disaster, you will see deliverance. When they see chaos, you will see My hand at work.

So, My beloved, do not be swept away by fear. Prepare yourself, yes, but not with food or water or shelter. Prepare your heart. Keep your faith strong. Keep your lamp filled with oil, for the Bridegroom is coming. Be vigilant, be steadfast, and know that I am with you.

These events are written in the scrolls of time, but I hold the pen. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Trust in Me, for when the world falls apart, I am making all things new.

And when the time comes, you will not stand alone. My Spirit will fill you with a strength that no storm, no eruption, no darkness can overcome. I am your shield and your protector. I am your refuge in the storm. Hold on to Me, and you will see the glory that follows.

I love you, My child. And I am coming soon."

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