God Will Test Your Faith Tonight - Are You Ready?

God Will Test Your Faith Tonight - Are You Ready?

My beloved child, hear My words... You hold the things of this world tightly, don’t you? The weight of your labor, the hours spent earning your livelihood, they all matter deeply to you. And yet, I see the struggle in your heart when I ask you to release a portion of what I’ve placed in your hands. But let Me tell you a secret—you are not losing, you are being set free.

Do you realize that every breath you take, every meal you eat, every step you walk is because I have given it to you? All that you have, I have placed in your life out of My endless love for you. You may think that your work and effort alone sustain you, but I am the One who provides the harvest, the strength in your arms, and the opportunities that come your way. Without Me, nothing would flourish.

Child, I do not need your money. I own the cattle on a thousand hills, the stars in the sky, and the oceans that roar. But when you tithe, you’re not just giving Me a portion of your earnings—you’re giving Me your trust. You are saying, ‘Father, I believe You are my provider. I release control because I know You hold my life in Your hands.’

Do you remember the Israelites in the wilderness? I fed them manna every day, without fail. They could not store it up for tomorrow, for I desired them to trust Me for each day's provision. I desire the same for you. When you give back a portion of what I’ve given you, you’re practicing faith in action. You’re saying, ‘God, I trust You to provide for tomorrow.’

Yes, I know, it’s not easy to let go of what you’ve worked hard for. Ten percent may seem like a lot, and the world around you may question why you would give away something so valuable. But My dear child, it’s not the amount that matters to Me—it’s your heart. It’s your willingness to honor Me above all else, to trust that I will meet your every need, just as I have from the moment you were born.

Now, let’s address the questions that rise in your heart. You wonder, ‘What if the church misuses the money? What if it doesn’t go where I expect it to?’ But child, once you have given it, it is no longer about how it is spent; it’s about the heart with which you gave it. I see the intention behind every act of giving, and I will bless you for your obedience and trust. The responsibility of how it is used falls upon those who handle it—leave that to Me. I will hold them accountable.

You ask if tithing will bring blessings. Hear this: I am not a God of transactions. You do not tithe to earn favor or to manipulate My blessings. Yet, I am a generous Father. When you honor Me with the first fruits of your labor, I pour out blessings that go beyond your imagination. These blessings are not always financial, but they are deeper: peace that surpasses understanding, joy that fills your heart, relationships restored, and doors opened that no one else could open. Even in times of lack, you will find contentment, for I am with you, and My presence is your greatest reward.

Beloved, don’t let fear or hesitation keep you from stepping into the fullness of My provision. I long to show you that when you release what you cling to so tightly, I will fill your life with more than you could ever ask or imagine. It starts with trust. It starts with surrender.

So, I invite you today: let go of the worry, let go of the doubts. Test Me in this, and see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you. I love you more than you can comprehend, and I want to lead you into a life of freedom, where you rely on Me fully—not just with your heart, but with everything you have.

Will you trust Me, child? Will you let go, knowing that I am your Provider, your Sustainer, and the One who loves you beyond measure?"

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