How to Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt

Have you ever been hurt by someone you loved? Have you ever felt betrayed, rejected, or abandoned by someone you trusted? Have you ever been wounded so deeply that you thought you could never love again? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this message is for you.

God bless you, and thank you for tuning in today. I want to talk to you about a very important topic: how to love like you’ve never been hurt. You see, we all have experienced pain, disappointment, betrayal, and heartbreak in our relationships. Maybe someone walked out on you, maybe someone cheated on you, maybe someone abused you, or maybe someone lied to you. Whatever it is, I know it hurts. And I know it can make you feel angry, bitter, resentful, and fearful of trusting anyone again.

But I want to tell you today that God has a plan for your life, and He wants you to heal from your past wounds and move forward with joy and peace. He wants you to love again, and love like you’ve never been hurt. Because that’s how He loves you. He loves you unconditionally, He loves you faithfully, He loves you endlessly. He doesn’t hold your mistakes against you, He doesn’t keep a record of your wrongs, He doesn’t bring up your failures. He forgives you, He restores you, He blesses you.

Type AMEN if you trust Him.

He wants you to do the same for others. He wants you to forgive those who hurt you, He wants you to release those who wronged you, He wants you to bless those who cursed you. Because when you do that, you are not only obeying His commandment, but you are also setting yourself free from the bondage of bitterness and resentment. You are opening your heart for new opportunities and new relationships. You are making room for God’s favor and God’s grace.

You see, when you hold on to the past, when you let the pain define you, when you let the hurt limit you, you are blocking God’s best for your life. You are missing out on the new things He wants to do in you and through you. You are settling for less than His perfect will for your future.

But when you let go of the past, when you let the healing begin, when you let the love flow, you are allowing God’s best for your life. You are embracing the new things He wants to do in you and through you. You are stepping into His perfect will for your future.

So I want to encourage you today to make a decision to love like you’ve never been hurt. To love yourself, to love God, and to love others with all your heart. To love with faith, hope, and courage. To love with grace, mercy, and kindness. To love with joy, peace, and patience.

Because when you do that, God will honor your obedience and reward your faithfulness. He will heal your brokenness and restore your wholeness. He will turn your mourning into dancing and your sorrow into laughter. He will give you beauty for ashes and joy for pain. He will make all things work together for your good and His glory.

You owe it to yourself, and you owe it to your next relationship, to love like you’ve never been hurt. Because that’s how God loves us, and that’s how we should love one another.

Thank you for listening today. I hope this message has inspired and blessed you. If it has, please share it with someone who needs it. And remember: God loves you more than you can imagine, and He has great things in store for your future. Stay in faith and stay in peace. Amen.

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