How to Know and Speak Your Worth in Christ

Have you ever felt like you are not good enough? Like you don’t deserve the best that life has to offer? Like you are not worthy of God’s love and favor? If you have, then I have some good news for you today. You are about to discover the truth about your worth and your value, and how you can increase them every day. 

You are a child of God, created in His image and likeness. You have a destiny and a purpose that no one can take away from you. You are valuable, not because of what you do or what you have, but because of who you are. You are a masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made. You are not an accident, you are not a mistake, you are not a failure. You are a success in the making.

But sometimes, we don’t feel like we are worth much. We let the negative voices of the world tell us that we are not good enough, not smart enough, not talented enough, not attractive enough, not successful enough. We compare ourselves to others and feel inferior. We focus on our flaws and weaknesses and forget our strengths and gifts. We settle for less than God’s best for us.

But I want to tell you today that God does not want you to live with a low self-esteem. He does not want you to live with a poor self-image. He does not want you to live with a limited mindset. He wants you to live with confidence, with joy, with peace, with abundance. He wants you to live with a sense of your worth and your value.

And He wants you to increase your value every day. He wants you to grow in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man. He wants you to develop your skills and talents and abilities. He wants you to pursue your dreams and goals and passions. He wants you to make a difference in the world and leave a legacy for generations to come.

But how do you increase your value? How do you go from where you are to where you want to be? How do you become the best version of yourself?

The first step is to know your worth. You have to know who you are in Christ. You have to know what He says about you in His Word. You have to know that He loves you unconditionally, that He forgives you completely, that He accepts you fully, that He blesses you abundantly, that He favors you continually, that He plans for you prosperously, that He works for you miraculously.

You have to know that you are chosen, called, anointed, appointed, qualified, justified, sanctified, glorified by God. You have to know that you are redeemed, restored, renewed, refreshed, revived by God. You have to know that you are healed, delivered, protected, provided for by God.

You have to know that you are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves you. You have to know that nothing can separate you from the love of God. You have to know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. You have to know that greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

You have to know your worth.

The second step is to speak your worth. You have to declare what God says about you over your life. You have to use the power of your words to shape your reality. You have to speak life and not death, blessing and not cursing, victory and not defeat.

You have to say what David said: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” You have to say what Jeremiah said: “I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. You have to say what Paul said: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” You have to say what Jesus said: “I am the light of the world.”

You have to speak your worth.

The third step is to show your worth. You have to act like who God says you are. You have to live with excellence and integrity and generosity and humility and gratitude and faithfulness. You have to serve others with love and kindness and compassion and grace.

You have to be a good steward of what God has given you: your time, your talent, your treasure. You have to use them wisely and productively and creatively and joyfully. You have to invest them in things that matter: your relationship with God, your family, your friends, your church, your community.

You have to show your worth.

My friends, when you know your worth, speak your worth and show your worth, then God will increase your value. He will open doors for you that no man can shut. He will give you favor with people who can help you. He will bring opportunities for growth and advancement into your life. He will multiply your resources and enlarge your territory.

He will increase your value.

But remember this: God does not increase your value so that you can boast or brag or look down on others. He does not increase your value so that you can be selfish or greedy or stingy or proud. He does not increase your value so that you can forget Him or ignore Him or disobey Him.

He increases your value so that you can glorify Him and honor Him and thank Him. He increases your value so that you can bless others and help others and inspire others. He increases your value so that you can fulfill your destiny and purpose and calling.

He increases your value.

So today, I want to encourage you to know your worth, and then increase your value. Don’t let the world define you or limit you or discourage you. Let God transform you and empower you and elevate you.

Know your worth, and then increase your value.

And watch what God will do in your life.

God bless you.

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