You Won’t Believe How Fast God Can Change Your Life | A Prayer for Breakthroughs

Do you know who can turn your situation around in a moment? It’s not your boss, it’s not your spouse, it’s not your doctor, it’s not your government. It’s God. 

God controls time. He has the final say over your life. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows what you’re going to need, when you’re going to need it, and how to get it to you. He knows how to accelerate your dreams, how to make things happen faster than you thought possible. He knows how to accelerate your healing, how to restore what was broken, how to heal what was wounded, how to bring you out better than you were before. He knows how to accelerate what you’re believing for, how to bring you into your destiny, how to fulfill the promises He has spoken over you.

That’s why you can’t judge your future based on the progress you’ve seen in the past. You can’t look at how long it’s taking, how slow it seems, how impossible it looks. You can’t let the negative voices tell you that it’s never going to happen, that you’re wasting your time, that you’re too far behind. You have to remember that God is working behind the scenes, that He is orchestrating things in your favor, that He is lining up the right people, the right opportunities, the right breaks. You have to trust that God has a set time for your breakthrough, for your miracle, for your victory. You have to believe that God is going to do something amazing in your life, something that will exceed your expectations, something that will amaze you and those around you.

But you have to do your part. You have to stay in faith. You have to keep a positive attitude. You have to speak life over your situation. You have to thank God in advance for what He is about to do. You have to act like it’s already done. Because God is not limited by your circumstances, by your resources, by your abilities, by your connections. God is not limited by time. He can do more in a second than you can do in a lifetime. He can open doors that no man can shut. He can make a way where there seems to be no way. He can take you from glory to glory, from favor to favor, from victory to victory.

So don’t give up on your dreams, don’t give up on your healing, don’t give up on what you’re believing for. Don’t let the delays discourage you, don’t let the setbacks stop you, don’t let the opposition intimidate you. Keep praying, keep believing, keep expecting, keep declaring. God is in control of your time. He is going to accelerate your dreams, accelerate your healing, accelerate what you’re believing for. He is going to do more than you can ask or think or imagine. He is going to make all things work together for your good. He is going to give you beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, praise for despair.

Follow me with this prayer if you are longing for breakthroughs.

A Prayer for Breakthroughs

Heavenly Father, we thank You for this day and for this opportunity to hear Your word. We thank You for Your love, Your grace, Your mercy, and Your power. We thank You that You are in control of our time, that You know how to accelerate our dreams, our healing, and what we’re believing for. We thank You that You have a set time for our breakthrough, for our miracle, for our victory. We thank You that You are going to do something amazing in our lives, something that will exceed our expectations, something that will amaze us and those around us.

Lord, we ask You to help us stay in faith, to keep a positive attitude, to speak life over our situation, to thank You in advance for what You are about to do, to act like it’s already done. We ask You to strengthen us, to encourage us, to inspire us, to fill us with Your joy and peace. We ask You to protect us, to guide us, to lead us, to direct us. We ask You to bless us, to favor us, to prosper us, to increase us.

Lord, we declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, that no obstacle can stop us, that no enemy can defeat us. We declare that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us, that we are the head and not the tail, that we are above and not beneath. We declare that we are the light of the world, the salt of the earth, the apple of Your eye. We declare that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, that we are chosen and called by You, that we are destined for greatness.

Lord, we give You all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise. We worship You with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength. We love You with an everlasting love. We trust You with all our being. We surrender to Your will and Your way. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Type AMEN if you believe in God.

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