Heavenly Father, as I come to the close of this day I lift my heart in gratitude to You for all the blessings I have received - both known and unknown to me.

Today I failed in many ways. I spoke words I should not have said, and did things I should not have done. For all these failures I ask Your forgiveness.

Grant me the grace to do better tomorrow. Now as I prepare for sleep, I ask You to cleanse my soul with the blood of Christ and fill me anew with Your Holy Spirit.

Renew my mind and restore my strength, that I may rise in the morning with the joy of salvation. Watch over my loved ones through the night. May their dreams be blessed and their rest be peaceful.

Lord, I surrender all worry, fear, and anxiety into Your capable hands. You who neither slumbers nor sleeps - keep watch over me and guard my heart and mind from every dark and troubling thought.

Give Your angels charge concerning me, to defend me in all my ways and to raise me up when I fall.

O Holy Spirit, fill me with Your peace that passes understanding. Let Christ’s joy rise up within me and overflow into a new day of service and love.

I lay down now in faith, trusting that You are my Good Shepherd and that I shall not want. My cup runs over. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you.

May He lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

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