How to Unlock God’s Surprises for Your Life, Prayer to Attract Abundance

God is going to surprise you!

What you thought would never turn around, suddenly it is going to happen.

You may have been praying for a long time, believing for a breakthrough, but nothing seems to change.

You may have given up on your dreams, thinking that it's too late, that you missed your opportunity.

But I have some good news for you today: God has not forgotten about you!

He has something amazing in store for you, something that will exceed your expectations, something that will make you say, "Wow, God, I didn't see that coming!"

You see, God is a God of surprises.

He loves to do things that we can't predict, that we can't explain, that we can't take credit for.

He loves to show up in unexpected ways, in unexpected places, at unexpected times.

He loves to turn things around in our favor, to make a way where there seems to be no way, to open doors that no one can shut.

He loves to bless us with favor, with healing, with promotion, with restoration, with abundance.

He loves to give us beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, praise for despair.

He loves to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.

That's why you can't give up on God.

You can't stop believing.

You can't stop expecting.

You can't stop declaring.

You have to stay in faith, stay in hope, stay in gratitude.

You have to keep thanking God for what He has done, and what He is about to do.

You have to keep speaking life over your situation, over your family, over your future.

You have to keep trusting God's timing, God's plan, God's purpose.

You have to keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith.

Because He is working behind the scenes on your behalf.

He is orchestrating things in your favor.

He is lining up the right people, the right opportunities, the right resources.

He is preparing a table before you in the presence of your enemies.

He is anointing your head with oil.

He is filling your cup to overflowing.

He is making all things work together for your good.

He is doing a new thing in your life.

And He is about to surprise you with His goodness!

So get ready for it!

Get ready for God's surprises!

Get ready for His favor!

Get ready for His blessings!

Get ready for His miracles!

Get ready for His breakthroughs!

Get ready for His turnaround!

Get ready for His restoration!

Get ready for His promotion!

Get ready for His abundance!

Get ready for His glory!

Get ready for His grace!

Get ready for His love!

God is going to surprise you!

What you thought would never turn around, suddenly it is going to happen.

Follow me with this prayer to attract abundance in your life.

Prayer to Attract Abundance

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank you for your love and grace that surprises us every day.

We thank you for the amazing things that you have done in our lives, and the things that you are about to do.

We thank you for your promises that never fail, and your power that never runs out.

We thank you for your Son Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and rose again, who is our mediator and intercessor, who is the author and finisher of our faith.

We ask you to fill us with your Holy Spirit, who helps us to pray, who guides us into all truth, who produces in us love, joy, peace, and all the fruits of righteousness.

We ask you to help us to trust you more, to believe you more, to expect you more.

We ask you to help us to stay in faith, stay in hope, stay in gratitude.

We ask you to help us to speak life over our situation, over our family, over our future.

We ask you to help us to follow your timing, your plan, your purpose.

We ask you to help us to keep our eyes on Jesus, and not on the circumstances.

We ask you to surprise us with your goodness, with your favor, with your blessings, with your miracles, with your breakthroughs, with your turnaround, with your restoration, with your promotion, with your abundance, with your glory.

We ask all these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Before you go, Say thank you, Lord in the comment below.

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