How to Overcome Loneliness with God’s Presence

My Beloved Child,

I’m so glad to have you with me today. You are not here by accident, you are here by divine appointment. God has something amazing in store for you. He wants to speak to your heart and lift your spirit. He wants to show you his favor and his goodness.

You may be facing some challenges right now, some situations that seem impossible to overcome. You may feel like you are alone, like nobody cares, like you have no hope. But I’m here to tell you that you are not alone, God cares, and you have a hope that is greater than anything you can imagine.

God is with you, my child. He is closer than the air you breathe. He knows your name, he knows your pain, he knows your dreams. He has a plan and a purpose for your life. He has not forgotten you, he has not forsaken you, he has not given up on you. He is working behind the scenes, orchestrating things in your favor, making a way where there seems to be no way.

You may not see it right now, but God is doing a new thing in your life. He is opening doors that no man can shut, he is closing doors that no man can open, he is making crooked places straight, he is turning your mourning into dancing, he is turning your sorrow into joy, he is turning your ashes into beauty.

God is on your side, my child. He is fighting your battles, he is defending your cause, he is vindicating your name, he is restoring your losses, he is healing your wounds, he is filling your cup, he is crowning you with favor.

God is for you, my child. He is not against you, he is not angry with you, he is not disappointed in you. He loves you with an everlasting love, he accepts you as you are, he forgives you of all your sins, he covers you with his grace, he empowers you with his Spirit, he blesses you with his gifts, he honors you with his presence.

So don’t be discouraged, don’t be afraid, don’t be ashamed, don’t be depressed. Be encouraged, be confident, be bold, be joyful. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Be faithful in the little and he will make you ruler over much. Be grateful for what you have and he will give you more than enough. Be generous with what you have and he will multiply it back to you.

Have faith in God, my child. Trust in his promises, rely on his power, lean on his wisdom, rest in his peace, abide in his love. He will never let you down, he will never leave you nor forsake you, he will never fail you nor forsake you. He will do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think, according to the power that works in you.

Type ‘Amen’ if you believe in God, if you receive his word, if you expect his miracles, if you declare his victory, if you praise his name. Amen, amen, and amen. 

Let me Pray for You.

Dear God,

We thank you for this day that you have made, for this opportunity that you have given us to hear your word and to receive your blessings. We thank you for your love, your grace, your mercy, and your power that are at work in our lives.

We ask you, Lord, to touch every person who is listening to this message right now. We pray that you would fill them with your peace, your joy, your hope, and your faith. We pray that you would heal their bodies, their minds, their emotions, and their relationships. We pray that you would provide for their needs, their desires, their dreams, and their goals.

We pray, Lord, that you would protect them from every harm, every danger, every evil, and every attack. We pray that you would deliver them from every fear, every worry, every anxiety, and every doubt. We pray that you would break every chain, every bondage, every stronghold, and every curse that is holding them back.

We pray, Lord, that you would empower them to overcome every obstacle, every challenge, every trial, and every temptation. We pray that you would enable them to fulfill their destiny, their purpose, their calling, and their mission. We pray that you would use them to make a difference, to be a blessing, to be a light, and to be a witness.

We pray, Lord, that you would draw them closer to you, to your word, to your will, and to your ways. We pray that you would increase their hunger, their thirst, their passion, and their love for you. We pray that you would reveal yourself to them, speak to them, guide them, and lead them.

We pray, Lord, that you would bless them abundantly, exceedingly, immeasurably, and beyond measure. We pray that you would do more than they can ask, think, imagine, or dream. We pray that you would do a new thing, a great thing, a mighty thing, and a miraculous thing in their lives.

We pray all these things in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, our Healer and Provider, our Defender and Deliverer, our Friend and King. Amen, amen, and amen.

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나의 하나님 성실하시고 더 좋은 것우로 채워주시려는 은혜로운 마음에 감사드리며 주께서 붙잡으시면 언제나 함께할것입니다


은혜와사랑 한량없는 축복과 치유와 회복을 위한 구원을 말씀으로 제삶에
임재하심을 예수님사랑으로 깨닫고
영원히 주 그리스도이자 만왕의 왕되시눈
나의구원자이며 보호자이시고 나룰 지키시며 늘 함께 성령으로 내안에서 내삶속에서 말씀으로 치유의 능력으로 모둔회복위
길을 축복으로 이끄시는 주님의 날개아래
나의 피난처를 예비하신 나위 하나님의
말쑴과 믿음으로 영원히 함께 거할것울
나눈 변함없는 사랑과 순종으로 영원히
함께할것이며 저의 모든 문재와 어려움까지도 모든걸 아시고 더잘 이해하시며 과거 현재 미래꺼지도 계획하여 준비하고 믿음으로 영으로 살아나신 부활의 얘수님께서이세상울 다 이기실 것이므로 주만믿사오며 주님의 사랑안에 거할것울 항상 기억시켜주실줄 믿숩니다
나룰 편히 평강속에 빛내실 내주 하나님위
약속과 말쑴에 따라 저의 전부가 주께 속하였음울 알게하신 그리스도안에서 영광나타내시고 영광받으실 주께서눈 이세상 모든주권이 하나님게 속량됨을 믿사오며
그사랑이 이세상애 소금과 빛되어 나타나
그리스도안에 참자유와 승리가 함께함을 영원히 믿습니다
하나님 정말 기쁘고 검사합니다


Thank you Lord for always there for me.Thank you for your mercy.Thank you for working behind the scene and orchestrating good things in my favor.Thank you for protecting us at all times.Thank you for showering us your unlimited blessings,and opportunities.


Lord I thank you for your promise and I I know you will never forsake me, I thank you for working behind the scene and orchestrating good things in my favour .

Frank Kofi Affum

Am not finding hope in what am doing. But I no God is on my side.

Emmanuel Agyekum

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