126 Bible Questions & Answers for Kids

As parents and guardians, we understand the importance of nurturing our children's faith and helping them build a strong foundation in their spiritual journey. One of the ways we can do this is by engaging them in interactive learning experiences that make the Bible come alive. In this article, we have compiled 126 Bible questions and answers specifically designed for kids. These questions cover a wide range of topics and stories from the Bible, and we hope they will help deepen your child's understanding of God's Word.
  1. Who created the world? God.
  2. Who were the first man and woman created by God? Adam and Eve.
  3. What did God create on the first day? Light.
  4. What did God create on the second day? The sky.
  5. What did God create on the third day? Land, seas, and plants.
  6. What did God create on the fourth day? The sun, moon, and stars.
  7. What did God create on the fifth day? Birds and fish.
  8. What did God create on the sixth day? Animals and humans.
  9. On which day did God rest? The seventh day.
  10. Who was Noah? A righteous man who built the ark and saved his family and animals from the flood.
  11. How many of each animal did Noah take on the ark? Two of each kind.
  12. What sign did God give Noah after the flood? A rainbow.
  13. Who was the baby found in a basket in the river? Moses.
  14. Who did God send to deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt? Moses.
  15. What were the Ten Plagues of Egypt? Blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock disease, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the death of the firstborn.
  16. What did God give Moses on Mount Sinai? The Ten Commandments.
  17. Who was the first king of Israel? Saul.
  18. Who defeated the giant Goliath? David.
  19. Who was known for his wisdom and wrote many Proverbs? Solomon.
  20. What was the name of the great temple built in Jerusalem? Solomon's Temple.
  21. Who was the prophet that was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire? Elijah.
  22. Who was the prophet swallowed by a big fish? Jonah.
  23. Who was the woman who saved the Israelite spies in Jericho? Rahab.
  24. Who was the brave woman who became queen and saved her people from destruction? Esther.
  25. Who was the shepherd boy who became a great king? David.
  26. Who were the four writers of the Gospels? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
  27. Who is considered the central figure of the New Testament? Jesus Christ.
  28. What is the first book of the New Testament? Matthew.
  29. How many disciples did Jesus have? Twelve.
  30. What did Jesus turn water into at the wedding in Cana? Wine.
  31. What was the name of the tax collector whom Jesus called to be his disciple? Matthew.
  32. What is the most famous prayer taught by Jesus? The Lord's Prayer.
  33. How many loaves of bread and fish did Jesus use to feed 5,000 people? Five loaves and two fish.
  34. Who betrayed Jesus to the authorities? Judas Iscariot.
  35. How did Jesus die? He was crucified on a cross.
  36. What happened three days after Jesus' death? He rose from the dead.
  37. Who wrote the majority of the Epistles in the New Testament? The apostle Paul.
  38. Who wrote the book of Revelation? The apostle John.
  39. How many books are there in the Bible? 66 books.
  40. What is the first book of the Bible? Genesis.
  41. What is the last book of the Bible? Revelation.
  42. What is the longest book in the Bible? Psalms.
  43. What is the shortest book in the Bible? 3 John.
  44. What is the book of Exodus about? The Israelites' escape from slavery in Egypt.
  45. What is the book of Acts about? The early Christian church.
  46. What is the book of Proverbs known for? Wisdom and practical advice.
  47. What is the book of Psalms known for? Songs and prayers.
  48. What is the book of Isaiah known for? Prophecies about the coming Messiah.
  49. What is the book of Daniel known for? Stories of Daniel and his friends in Babylon.
  50. What is the book of Revelation known for? Prophecies about the end times.
  51. What is the Golden Rule? "Do to others what you would have them do to you."
  52. What is the greatest commandment? "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind."
  53. What is the second greatest commandment? "Love your neighbor as yourself."
  54. What does "Hallelujah" mean? "Praise the Lord."
  55. What is the name of the garden where Adam and Eve lived? The Garden of Eden.
  56. What is the name of the river that flowed through the Garden of Eden? The River Pishon.
  57. Who was the oldest man mentioned in the Bible? Methuselah.
  58. Who was the strongest man in the Bible? Samson.
  59. Who wrote most ofthe Psalms? King David.
  60. Who was the first martyr in the New Testament? Stephen.
  61. Which disciple walked on water with Jesus? Peter.
  62. What is the name of the city where Jesus was born? Bethlehem.
  63. What is the name of the city where Jesus grew up? Nazareth.
  64. Who baptized Jesus in the Jordan River? John the Baptist.
  65. What is the name of the hill where Jesus was crucified? Golgotha or Calvary.
  66. What did Jesus say to his disciples before ascending into heaven? "Go and make disciples of all nations."
  67. What is the name of the festival that celebrates Jesus' resurrection? Easter.
  68. Who was the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection? Mary Magdalene.
  69. What is the name of the disciple who doubted Jesus' resurrection until he saw him? Thomas.
  70. What is the name of the place where Jesus was arrested? The Garden of Gethsemane.
  71. What is the name of the place where Jesus was crucified? Skull Hill or Golgotha.
  72. Who was the high priest who questioned Jesus during his trial? Caiaphas.
  73. What did Jesus say on the cross before he died? "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
  74. Who helped Jesus carry his cross? Simon of Cyrene.
  75. What did the soldiers place on Jesus' head before crucifying him? A crown of thorns.
  76. What is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus? Judas Iscariot.
  77. What did Jesus do at the Last Supper? He instituted the sacrament of communion.
  78. What did Jesus say when he was tempted by Satan in the wilderness? "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
  79. What is the name of the mountain where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount? Mount Sinai.
  80. What did Jesus say is the greatest act of love? "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."
  81. Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death? Pontius Pilate.
  82. What did Jesus say when he turned water into wine? "Fill the jars with water."
  83. What did Jesus say is the greatest commandment? "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind."
  84. What did Jesus say is the second greatest commandment? "Love your neighbor as yourself."
  85. What did Jesus say to his disciples before ascending into heaven? "Go and make disciples of all nations."
  86. What is the name of the festival that celebrates Jesus' resurrection? Easter.
  87. Who was the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection? Mary Magdalene.
  88. What is the name of the disciple who doubted Jesus' resurrection until he saw him? Thomas.
  89. What did Jesus say on the cross before he died? "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
  90. Who helped Jesus carry his cross? Simon of Cyrene.
  91. What did the soldiers place on Jesus' head before crucifying him? A crown of thorns.
  92. What is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus? Judas Iscariot.
  93. What did Jesus do at the Last Supper? He instituted the sacrament of communion.
  94. What did Jesus say when he was tempted by Satan in the wilderness? "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
  95. What is the name of the mountain where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount? Mount Sinai.
  96. What did Jesus say is the greatest act of love? "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."
  97. Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death? Pontius Pilate.
  98. What did Jesus say when he turned water into wine? "Fill the jars with water."
  99. What is the name of the river in which Jesus was baptized? The Jordan River.
  100. What did Jesus say to his disciples before feeding the 5,000? "You give them something to eat."
  101. What did Jesus say is the golden rule? "Do to others what you would have them do to you."
  102. Who was the woman that Jesus met at the well and offered living water? The Samaritan woman.
  103. What did Jesus say to the woman caught in adultery? "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
  104. What did Jesus say about being the light of the world? "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life."
  105. What is the parable of the Good Samaritan about? Helping others in need.
  106. What is the parable of the prodigal son about? God's forgiveness and love.
  107. Who was the disciple who denied Jesus three times? Peter.
  108. How many days did Jesus spend in the wilderness fasting and praying? Forty days.
  109. Who was the tax collector that climbed a tree to see Jesus? Zacchaeus.
  110. What is the name of the place where Jesus was born? Bethlehem.
  111. Who were the three wise men who visited Jesus? Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar.
  112. What gifts did the three wise men bring to Jesus? Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
  113. What is the name of the river that John the Baptist baptized people in? The Jordan River.
  114. What did John the Baptist eat in the wilderness? Locusts and wild honey.
  115. Who were the parents of John the Baptist? Elizabeth and Zechariah.
  116. What did Jesus say about being the vine and his followers being the branches? "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit."
  117. What is the name of the disciple who often doubted and asked questions? Thomas.
  118. What is the parable of the lost sheep about? God's love and pursuit of those who are lost.
  119. What is the parable of the sower about? Different responses to the message of God's kingdom.
  120. What is the parable of the mustard seed about? The growth and impact of God's kingdom.
  121. Who is the good shepherd? Jesus.
  122. What is the name of the prophet who challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel? Elijah.
  123. What is the name of the prophet who saw a valley of dry bones come to life? Ezekiel.
  124. What is the name of the prophet who was swallowed by a big fish? Jonah.
  125. What is the name of the prophet who was placed in a den of lions? Daniel.
  126. What is the name of the man who built an ark to save his family and animals from the flood? Noah.

Remember, these questions and answers are designed to spark curiosity and encourage children to explore the Bible further. Supplement these questions with engaging discussions, storytelling, and other interactive activities to enhance their understanding and connection with God's Word.

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