The Hidden Trap of Technology: God Message Today 19 Oct 2024

The Hidden Trap of Technology: God Message Today 19 Oct 2024

My dear child, listen closely to My words, for what I am about to reveal will shape how you see the world around you. The enemy is moving swiftly, and he is preparing to unleash one of his greatest traps—a deception so subtle and dangerous that many will fall into it without even realizing. I need you to stay with Me for just a few moments because what I am about to tell you could save your soul.

The Enemy's Hidden Agenda

In these last days, the enemy is using every tool at his disposal to steal, kill, and destroy. But he is crafty, and he will come disguised—offering things that look good, seem helpful, and promise to make life easier. But My child, behind this façade is destruction. There is a demonic product about to enter the world—a device cloaked in convenience, but in reality, it is a weapon of control. I have shown you a vision, and I will not stay silent. You must be prepared.

The Vision of Deception

In this vision, I showed you a store filled with bright lights and excited people. The shelves were packed with the latest gadgets, people reaching for them with eager hands and hopeful hearts. But as you moved closer, something felt wrong. The air was thick with deceit. There was one product that stood out, shining brightly, drawing everyone toward it.

The Alluring Product

The advertisements promised mental clarity, improved physical performance, and emotional stability. People flocked to it like moths to a flame, unaware that behind its shining surface, a great darkness was lurking. As you drew closer, My Spirit stirred within you, and I whispered a warning: This is no ordinary product.

A Dangerous Device

This device may look like a breakthrough—something to connect people to a digital world in ways never before imagined. But My child, do not be fooled. It carries an invisible mark, a mark that will open the door to the enemy’s influence. I showed you in the vision how people eagerly placed the device on themselves, excited to experience its promises. But then, you saw the truth—their faces once filled with joy grew empty, their eyes became dull, and their minds no longer belonged to them. They had fallen under the enemy’s control, and they didn’t even realize it.

The Spiritual Trap Behind Technology

This product is not just a gadget; it is a tool of manipulation, designed to enslave the minds of My children and draw them further from Me. This is what the enemy is planning, My child. He is preparing the world for the mark of the beast, and this product is part of his grand design. Governments and corporations will endorse it, churches will even welcome it, and it will be hailed as the future. But behind it is a spiritual agenda, one that seeks to bind humanity under the enemy’s control.

The Enemy’s Plan for Division

You saw how quickly the world accepted it, how families were divided, and friends turned against each other. Those who resisted were mocked, labeled as outdated or foolish. The enemy is conditioning people, preparing them to accept what is coming.

Stay Vigilant and Prayerful

I am revealing this to you now, not to scare you, but to prepare you. I need you to be vigilant. The enemy’s traps are everywhere, hidden in plain sight. Pray for discernment, and do not be swayed by the allure of convenience, power, or false promises.

Stand Firm in My Word

Keep your eyes on Me, child. I am your refuge and strength. The enemy may come with lies and deceit, but I have given you the truth. Stand firm in My Word, and you will not fall into his hands.

The Root of the Enemy’s Power

Let Me remind you of what I have said before: For the love of money is the root of all evil. (1 Timothy 6:10) Greed and the desire for more control are what have allowed this product to take root. But remember, I am greater than any force of darkness.

The Power of Staying Close to Me

The enemy will try to use technology to replace My voice with his. But as long as you remain close to Me, he cannot win. I have already overcome the world, and you are safe in My hands. Do not fear, for I am with you always.

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