11 September 2023 Daily Blessing, Prayer, Verse & Poem

11 September 2023 Daily Blessing, Prayer, Verse & Poem

Daily Blessing & Prayer  Daily Appreciation

God's light shines even in the darkest of times. Trust in Him, for He will lead you towards a brighter future.

Daily Verse

Psalm 119:105 (NIV) "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."

This verse from Psalm 119 portrays God's Word as a guiding light in our lives, even during our darkest moments. It underscores the idea that trusting in God's guidance leads to a brighter future.

Question for You

Can you recall a time when you felt lost or faced a particularly challenging and dark period in your life? How did trusting in God's guidance and light help you navigate through that difficult time, and how did it influence your outlook on the future?

Today's Poem - Guided Through Shadows

In shadows deep, I sought Your light, Through darkest nights, in Your sight, A beacon bright, in my soul's flight, You led me on, from wrong to right.

When tempests roared, and fears did swell, In Your embrace, my heart found dwell, You stilled the storm, the raging knell, In faith, I knew all would be well.

Your Word, a lamp, my path did guide, In valleys low, on mountains wide, In every turn, where'er I'd bide, With You, O Lord, I'd not be denied.

In trust, I find a future bright, Where darkness yields to morning's light, With You, my God, my heart takes flight, In Your love's glow, my soul ignites.

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