Why could no one see God and live?

Why could no one see God and live?

My beloved child,

I want to share with you a profound truth about My nature and why it is said that no one can see Me and live. In the book of Exodus, it is written, "You cannot see My face, for no one may see Me and live." Let Me explain this to you in a way that brings clarity and comfort.

Imagine the brightest light you have ever seen. Now, magnify that light infinitely. My holiness is like this light, pure and radiant beyond anything you can fathom. If you were to stand directly in this light, it would be overwhelming for you. My presence is so powerful and pure that your human form, as it is now, cannot endure it.

When Moses, one of My faithful servants, asked to see My glory, I placed him in a cleft in the rock and covered him with My hand. As I passed by, he could only see My back. This was not to hide Myself from him but to protect him. My glory is so immense that seeing My face directly would have been too much for his mortal body to bear.

There are a few reasons for this protective measure:

  1. My Holiness: I am holy, and My presence is a consuming fire of purity and righteousness. It is not out of distance but out of the depth of My being that I am holy. For you to stand in this presence without preparation would be like stepping into a fire unprotected.
  2. The Magnitude of My Glory: My glory, the very essence of who I am, is so vast and powerful. It is like the sun, which you can feel and see from a distance but cannot approach directly. This glory, if experienced in its fullness, would be more than your human senses could handle.
  3. Divine Protection: Out of My great love and mercy for you, I shield you from the full intensity of My presence. This protection is not to keep you away but to ensure you are safe. Just as a loving parent would protect their child from something too powerful for them, I cover you with My hand to keep you from harm.

Remember, My dear child, that My desire is always to draw you closer, not to push you away. When the time comes, in the fullness of eternity, you will be transformed and able to see Me as I am. Until then, know that My hand of protection is over you, guiding you, and My presence is always with you, even if not in its fullest visible form.

Trust in My love and know that I am always near, watching over you with a heart full of love and a desire for you to grow closer to Me each day.

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