God Wants to Hear These Words from You! God's Message Now

God Wants to Hear These Words from You! God's Message Now

"My beloved child, do you realize the incredible power hidden within your words? Before you were even formed, I spoke the world into existence. My voice called forth light in the midst of darkness. Now, as My child, I have placed that same power of speech within you. The words you choose can breathe life into dreams or cast shadows over hope. I want you to understand just how much your words matter—not just to Me, but to the world around you.

Think about it… the very words you speak every day—whether in prayer, in praise, or even in silence—shape your reality. They can draw you closer to My heart or keep you distant. What have you been speaking over your life, My child? Do you know that when you declare My promises over your circumstances, you are inviting My presence into your situation? So let’s dive deeper, together, into this truth, for your words are like seeds. When planted with faith, they will bear fruit that will transform your life in ways you cannot even begin to imagine."

When I created you, I gave you a voice, not just to speak, but to build, to create, and to bring My will into this world. The power of words is not a small thing—it’s a divine gift, a reflection of My nature within you. But have you considered which words touch My heart the most?

My Spirit longs to hear words of faith, trust, and gratitude. It’s not just about saying what you want, but aligning your heart and tongue with My will. When you speak My promises, when you declare with confidence that I am in control, you release My power into every corner of your life.

So, My child, I invite you to use your words as instruments of change. Speak life into dead dreams, hope into impossible situations, and healing into broken places. Declare with courage that I am your provider, your healer, your guide. And watch as I respond to every word rooted in faith, bringing forth miracles and breakthroughs that will leave you in awe.

But it all begins with a choice: Will you use your words to strengthen your faith or to feed your fears? To build up or to tear down? I am here, waiting to respond to the voice of your heart. What will you say today?

Remember, your words don’t just affect you—they ripple out and impact everyone around you. Consider the testimony of those I’ve healed and restored. When they share what I’ve done, it stirs up faith in the hearts of others. Your words, My child, have the power to do the same.

Just as I spoke the world into being, speak life, hope, and faith into your world. Speak of what I have done, share your testimony, and declare My goodness. For in doing so, you are planting seeds that will bear fruit not only in your life but in the lives of everyone you touch.

Take a moment now to declare this: “I will use my words to bring glory to God, and I will speak life and blessing into every situation!” Type ‘I Declare Life!’ if you’re ready to see My power move through your words."

Beloved, understand that when you praise Me with sincerity, it creates an atmosphere where My Spirit moves freely. Even in moments of hardship, when you choose to worship instead of complain, you release My peace over your situation. Just like Paul and Silas, who worshiped Me in their darkest hour, I will break every chain that holds you down. Your praise is more than just words; it’s a weapon of spiritual warfare. When you lift up My name, chains break, walls fall, and My presence floods in to bring freedom.

If you’re facing something difficult right now, say these words: “God, I praise You even when it hurts. I trust You even when I don’t understand.” Type ‘I Trust You, God!’ if you believe that your praise can open doors no man can shut.

Your gratitude, too, My child, is a key that unlocks more of My blessings. When you choose to be thankful—when you speak words of gratitude even in the face of adversity—you invite My Spirit to do more. You open the door for Me to pour out blessings you didn’t even know were coming. And remember, your words of gratitude are a sweet offering to Me, a reflection of a heart that trusts in My goodness.

Forgiveness, another powerful expression of your words, is something that sets your heart free. When you speak words of forgiveness, you let go of the chains that bind you to pain. Just as I forgave you, I ask you to extend that same grace to others. It’s not easy, I know, but it’s necessary for your healing. And through it, you will see My hand moving, bringing restoration and peace to areas that have long been broken.

Right now, I invite you to say these words: “I release those who have hurt me, and I trust God to bring healing and justice.” Type ‘I Choose Forgiveness’ if you’re ready to see chains fall off through the power of forgiveness.

As you journey with Me, you’ll see that every word you speak is a seed. Some seeds grow into beautiful trees of faith, hope, and love, while others wither and die because they were born from fear and doubt. Choose your seeds wisely, My child. Choose words that align with My Word, and you’ll see them grow into a beautiful harvest in your life.

I am with you, listening to every word you speak. Choose to speak life, and I will show you the abundance that comes from a tongue aligned with My heart.

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