How to Stop Worrying and Trust God Today

If you love Jesus, don't skip this video, and watch it until the end. You don't want to miss what God has in store for you.

You may be facing some challenges right now. You may be dealing with stress, worry, fear, or anxiety. You may be wondering how you're going to make it through this season. You may be tempted to give up, to lose hope, to settle for less than God's best for you.

But I have good news for you today. God is saying to you, "Stop worrying. I will take care of you today. I will work on the problems that have caused you such anxiety. I will make a path for you. I will open doors for you. I need you to stay focused on me and trust me. I need you to be patient while you wait on me. I know you inside and out. I love you more than you know, and I will take care of everything for you."

That's the promise of God for you today. He is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should change his mind. What he says, he will do. What he promises, he will fulfill. He is faithful and true.He is your heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally and wants the best for you.

So don't let the enemy steal your joy, your peace, your confidence, or your destiny. Don't let him fill your mind with negative thoughts, doubts, fears, or worries. Don't let him convince you that you're not good enough, not worthy enough, not blessed enough, or not loved enough. Don't let him tell you that your situation is hopeless, that your dreams are impossible, that your future is bleak, or that your God is distant.

No, you have to rise up and say, "I am a child of God. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am the head and not the tail.  I am more than a conqueror.  I am blessed and highly favored.  I am loved with an everlasting love.  I have a hope and a future.  I have the favor of God on my life.  I have the power of the Holy Spirit in me.  I have the mind of Christ.  I have the victory in Jesus' name. "

When you speak like that, you're activating your faith. You're releasing God's power in your life. You're aligning yourself with his word and his will. You're declaring his truth over your circumstances. You're inviting his presence and his provision into your situation. You're opening the door for his miracles and his breakthroughs to manifest in your life.

So today, I want to encourage you to trust God with all your heart.  Lean not on your own understanding.  Acknowledge him in all your ways.  And he will make your paths straight.  He will lead you, guide you, protect you, and provide for you. He will make a way where there seems to be no way. He will do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think.  He will turn your mourning into dancing.  He will turn your ashes into beauty.  He will turn your mess into a message.  He will turn your test into a testimony. 

He will do it for you, because he loves you. He loves you so much that he gave his only Son, Jesus, to die for you.  He loves you so much that he raised him from the dead for you.  He loves you so much that he sent his Holy Spirit to live in you.  He loves you so much that he has prepared a place for you in heaven.  He loves you so much that he has a plan and a purpose for you on earth. 

So don't let anything stop you from receiving his love today. Don't let anything separate you from his love today.  Nothing can separate you from his love.  Not trouble, not hardship, not persecution, not famine, not nakedness, not danger, not sword.  Not death, nor life, nor angels, nor demons, nor the present, nor the future, nor any powers.  Not height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation.  Nothing can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

So receive his love today. Believe his love today. Live in his love today. And share his love today. Let his love fill you, heal you, free you, and transform you. Let his love overflow from you to others. Let his love be your motivation, your inspiration, your foundation, and your destination.

I pray that you will know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.  I pray that you will be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.  I pray that you will experience his peace that surpasses all understanding.  I pray that you will have his joy that is unspeakable and full of glory.  I pray that you will have his grace that is sufficient for you.  I pray that you will have his strength that is made perfect in your weakness. 

I pray all these things in the name of Jesus, the name above every name, the name that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, the name that has all authority in heaven and on earth, the name that saves, heals, delivers, and restores, the name that is the same yesterday, today, and forever, the name that is wonderful, counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, prince of peace. 

I pray, amen. If you believe in Jesus, say amen. If you love Jesus, say amen. If you thank Jesus, say amen. If you praise Jesus, say amen.

God bless you, and remember, you are not alone. You are not forgotten. You are not forsaken. You are not defeated. You are not hopeless. You are not helpless. You are not worthless. You are not a mistake. You are not a failure. You are not a victim. You are not a loser.

You are a winner. You are a champion. You are a warrior. You are a leader. You are a masterpiece. You are a miracle. You are a blessing. You are a success. You are a victor. You are a hero.

You are all these things and more, because you are a child of God. And God loves you more than you can imagine.

Thank you for watching this video. I hope it blessed you and inspired you. If it did, please like, share, and subscribe to this channel. And don't forget to hit the bell icon to get notified of our new videos. We post new videos every week to help you grow in your faith and live your best life.

Until next time, stay blessed and stay faithful. Bye for now.

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