Prayer for Strength

Prayer for Strength


Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before you in need of Your strength and guidance. You are the source of true strength that overcomes all weaknesses. You are the light that guides my steps and shows me the way.

I long to walk in your light and follow in the footprints you have marked for me. Your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness is great. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I may be strengthened from within.

Baptize me anew with your Spirit and fire. Let your Spirit renew my mind and transform my heart. Fill me to overflowing with your Spirit and power from on high. Give me the perseverance, determination and willpower to face all challenges with courage.

Enable me to run the race set before me with endurance and patience. Strengthen my resolve to follow Your ways no matter what difficulties I encounter. When I am weak, then I will be strong in you. Show me the path that You have set before me.

Light my way when I am uncertain of the direction to go. Give me wisdom and discernment to make good choices that are in line with Your will. Guide me away from temptations that would lead me astray. Show me the secrets of your kingdom and guide my footsteps onto your holy highway.

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God and my strength. Be the compass that guides my steps and the map that charts my course. Give me patience with myself when I fail. Lift me up when I fall or make mistakes so that I can start fresh with renewed confidence and hope.

Walk beside me through every trial and storm. Hold my hand when I feel alone and afraid. Speak peace into my heart and mind. Still the chaos within me and calm the doubts that trouble me. Be my comfort and my strength, my shield to protect me and my very great reward.

Lend your strength to my weakness and your grace to cover all my failings. Lord, strengthen my faith so that it may grow deeper and stronger. Strengthen my hope so that I never lose sight of Your promises. Fill my hope to overflowing. Strengthen my love for You and for others.

Fill me with Your joy that sustains me through all seasons. Make me an instrument of your peace, your love and your joy. Let your best gifts abound in me. Show me the depths of your love and the hope of your promises. May I use the strength You give me to serve You and others in need.

May I use the light You provide to brighten someone's darker moments. May I strive each day to be more like Jesus, living in obedience, love and service. Help my feet walk steadfastly in the way of your commands. Make me a blessing to those around me through the power of your Spirit.

Help me reflect your love and grace in all I say and do. Help me to trust in Your strength, not my own. Help me lean on You completely for the guidance I require to walk the path You have marked out for me. Make me wholly dependent on you for wisdom, grace and guidance.

Guide me and uphold me with your faithful hand. Lead me beside still waters and down green pastures. In the power of Your name, I pray.


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