I Am Refining You Through the Fire – Will You Trust Me?

I Am Refining You Through the Fire – Will You Trust Me?

"My beloved child, open your heart and listen closely, for the times we live in are not as they seem. You can feel it, can't you? The world is shifting, the shadows growing longer, and you sense a stirring deep within your spirit. But you are not alone in this, for I am here, guiding you through the mystery of these days. Now, let Me show you what your eyes have yet to see.

Do you remember the vision I gave to My servant Daniel? In the midst of a broken kingdom, when all seemed lost, I revealed to him a great truth—a vision of empires rising and falling, of kingdoms built on sand, destined to crumble. But child, this message was not just for him; it’s for you too. The world you see today, with its power and pride, is no different from those ancient kingdoms.

Look around you. You witness the rise of nations, the clashing of powers, and the boasting of leaders who believe they are invincible. Yet, do you not know? I have seen it all before. Like the ram and the goat in Daniel’s vision, these mighty ones will collide. One kingdom rises in strength, and another falls in defeat, but none of them can stand before Me. Every empire is in My hands, and I alone am the Author of history.

Child, do you see the pride that fills the hearts of those who chase after power? They boast, they conquer, they believe they are untouchable. But just as quickly as they rise, they will fall. Alexander the Great thought he could rule the world, but his life was cut short, his kingdom divided. The world is full of those who run after their own glory, but My plan remains unshaken. Even when it seems like chaos surrounds you, know this: I am in control.

But here is what I want you to understand—this is not just a story about nations and kings. No, it’s much closer to home. You, My child, are also in the middle of a battle. The forces of this world are not only out there; they are within your heart. Every day, you are faced with a choice: to follow the ways of this world, or to trust in Me. The enemy is relentless, seeking to deceive you, to lead you away from My truth. He wants you to believe that success, power, and strength come from your own hands. But I tell you, true strength comes from surrendering to Me.

You may find yourself in places of defeat, where it feels like everything is falling apart, but even there, I am speaking to you. Like Daniel, who received visions while in exile, you too must learn to hear My voice in the midst of your trials. I use those moments to refine you, to draw you closer to Me. When you feel lost, look to Me, for I am the One who holds your future.

Do you remember the 2,300 days spoken of in Daniel’s vision? It was a period of purification, a time when the temple was to be cleansed. Child, you too are in a time of refining. The trials you face, the struggles you endure, they are not without purpose. I am purifying your heart, removing the impurities that the world has placed upon you. It may feel long, it may feel painful, but know this: I am making you holy, as I am holy.

So, what will you do with the days I have given you? Will you trust in your own strength, or will you lean on Me? The world around you may boast of power, but I tell you, it is fleeting. All that is not rooted in Me will one day be shaken. But you, My beloved, if you remain in Me, you will stand firm, even when the world crumbles around you.

Hold on to My promises, child. Do not be swayed by the glittering lies of this world. They may promise you success, comfort, and security, but they are empty. Only in Me will you find true peace, true strength. The kingdoms of this world will rise and fall, but My Kingdom is eternal. You are a part of that Kingdom. I have called you by name, and you are Mine.

So, as you walk through this season of testing, as you endure your own '2,300 days' of refinement, know that I am with you every step of the way. Trust in My process. Let go of your pride, your fears, your desire to control. Surrender them to Me, and I will lead you through. And when this time of trial is over, you will be purified, and you will stand as a shining example of My grace and power.

Do not lose heart, My child. The journey may be long, the road difficult, but the destination is glorious. You are not walking this path alone. I am with you, guiding you, strengthening you, every step of the way. And when the time comes, you will see the fruit of your endurance. You will see the beauty of what I have been doing in your life all along.

I love you with an everlasting love. Hold fast to Me, for I am your refuge, your strength, your Savior. And know this, child: the victory is already Mine, and because you are Mine, that victory belongs to you too. So stand firm, for I am coming soon."

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