10 Signs God is Opening Doors You Never Imagined!

My little lamb,

Are you going through tough times, feeling alone and forgotten? At the same time, do you sense that something big is about to happen, leaving you confused about what's unfolding? 

I know the depth of your longing, your eager anticipation for what I, your God, am about to do. You've waited for so long, yet you refuse to give up. Today, I bring you good news: I am opening doors you never imagined. This isn't to flatter you but to confirm My word to you. Are you still in doubt? There are signs you should look out for. When you see them, know that I am working out a surprise for you. What is coming your way will blow your mind.

What are these signs? Before we proceed, if you have not yet subscribed to hear My messages, please do so; it will help you receive notifications for new content. I care deeply about your well-being, and I ensure that you lack no good thing. You may not see what I am doing, but right now, I am opening new doors that will take you by surprise. I plan to turn around your situation and put a smile on your face. No matter what you're going through, there is no need to panic. You have an intentional Father, and I am not silent about your pain. I am actively working to bring you all of your heart's desires. All you need to do is expect in faith while you enlarge your capacity to receive. To confirm this, here are 10 signs to watch out for.

Number one: Intense trials and disappointment.

No one ever thinks that trials are also moments of growth. Human nature hates discomfort, so it struggles with it. But do you know that I sometimes permit the trials? I know they can be a channel of refinement. I am always with you when you go through tough moments. I prepare you through the challenges for what I want to give you. I allow these moments of difficulty to build your character. Joseph faced many trials and tribulations, but it was also a channel I used to place him in his divine purpose. It could have been easy for Joseph to settle down with his position in Potiphar's house. He was in charge of everything his master had, but as good as that was, it was not My ultimate plan for Joseph. I wanted to place him in charge of Egypt, not just a palace. So I permitted Joseph to face a jail term because the access he needed to the palace was in that prison.

If you are going through moments of hardship or struggling financially, know that I am opening great financial doors for you that will make you forget your struggles. Have you noticed that it is darkest before dawn? It always seems like the darkness is unending, but that is when the morning comes. So you must encourage yourself when you face tribulations. It is a sign that My blessings are around the corner. The Bible captures these trials you face as nothing compared to the blessings I am bringing your way. Keep your hopes alive. Never forget, it is only temporary. This phase will not last; it will roll over. The new door that I am about to open will surpass and compensate for the pains you've been through. Always remember, I walk with you through the darkest valleys and am making a way where there seems to be no way.

1 Peter 5:10 says, "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast." In moments of weakness, see My grace as sufficient. When you face rejection and uncertainty, remember that I will keep you from falling. I will lift you out of that mire and set your feet on firm ground.

Number two: You'll sense the urge to take strategic action.

Are you sensing the urge to prepare and advance for what's coming? Perhaps something keeps telling you to watch out for an unexpected opportunity. You can liken this to what takes place at the pool of Bethesda, where I stir the waters at specific intervals. Those who are ready jump in and get healing. Beloved, if you're experiencing this urge to act now, it's a sign that something unexpected and massive is coming your way. That action you want to take is what will position you for the blessings I am bringing you. I might inspire you to do anything; you just have to be ready. This is why you must discern My move every season. I might ask you to pick up a new course or register for a learning class. It could be for an opportunity where only those skills can grant you access. I might ask you to get acquainted with certain people because I know the relationship will bring you opportunities in your career. When I open these channels, you must be sensitive to decipher what I am doing. You must also learn to take prompt actions as they guarantee you enlistment for the blessings.

Number three: I change your utterances.

I understand the creative power of words. This is why I ensure that your words align with My purpose for you. Whenever I want to bring an open door, I start to condition your words. You suddenly find yourself becoming conscious of the things you say. I nudge you to prophesy words of blessing and favor each day you wake up. Beloved, that's My Holy Spirit giving you insight into what I am about to do and fueling faith in your heart. One way to show that you believe is by speaking. 2 Corinthians 4:13 says, "It is written: ‘I believed; therefore I have spoken.’ Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak." So when you declare words that align with My plans for you, it is a sign I want you to approve the blessings.

Number four: I make you give what you have.

One of the ways that I open unimaginable doors is through your sacrifice. Whatever your sacrifice might be, it has to be something that costs you. I will never ask you for things that are useless to you. I just want to see how much you are willing to give up. I do not place these demands because I need what you have. Remember, I am the sovereign God; I command wealth, authority, and power. I am self-sufficient and lack nothing. But I only give you by the measure of your willingness to release it back to Me. This is because I will most of the time need you to use the blessings I give you for the advancement of My kingdom. I will not give you that blessing if I know you will withhold it from those who need it. So I check to see if you understand that you are only a channel through which My blessings reach others. I want to know that I can demand you to give up something for the kingdom.

So, when you find Me making demands on your sacrifice, I am considering you for a breakthrough. Let’s look at Elijah's demands on the widow of Zarephath. 1 Kings 17 records a season of famine, and this widow was in a helpless situation. She had no food to eat. While she was contemplating how to make the final meal for herself and her son, Elijah visited and asked for the same meal she was going to make. This was Me demanding something that meant everything to her at that moment.

1 Kings 17:14-16 says, "For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: 'The jar of flour will not be used up, and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.' She went away and did as Elijah had told her. So there was food every day for Elijah and for the woman and her family. For the jar of flour was not used up, and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah."

She did not know that I was about to bring her blessings. However, to access this blessing, the first requirement was to give what was important to her as a sacrifice. I used it as a means to release an abundant blessing in a land where there was famine. She had an overflow because she once gave her all.

Are you feeling the urge to give all you have? Is My Spirit prompting you to give that most precious substance of yours? Why hold back? Obey, and watch Me unleash massive blessings upon you. Your blessings are imminent. This divine instruction to give sacrificially is just a sign, but that's not all. There are still more signs.

Number five: I prepare you.

This is when I take you through moments of building. When you get the prompt to develop yourself, it means that your blessings are close. It is My way of getting you ready for the open doors. I work on your discipline and consistency. These are periods where I stretch your mind by taking you through a process of learning. At other times, I might ask you to build your mind in preparation for what is coming. This is because your mind can sometimes stand in the way of what I want to do. So I start prompting you to work on your perspective by studying the Word and spiritual books that tune your mind to what I am doing.

You must walk with Me when you get such prompts. Some of the doors I open to you might not benefit you if you do not prepare for them. I want you to be ready when I give you access, so you must pay attention to what I am asking you to work on. Do not worry about uncertainties; your responsibility is to follow as I direct.

Number six: Revelations confirming what I am doing.

I always speak before I do anything in your life. Sometimes, I inform you through dreams and visions. When you start to get encounters with Me, it is a sign that your blessings are close. I also speak to you through prophetic channels. I can reveal My intent through your spiritual leader, a close friend, a colleague, or sermons. When you get these revelations, they will bring convictions in your spirit. This is when you know that I am up to something. I show you these revelations not just to alert you to My plans but also to prompt you to pray. Remember, the enemy is always looking for ways to pervert your blessings.

1 Corinthians 16:9 says, "Because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me." This is why you have to engage in fervent prayers to stop the works of the enemy. You must bring down every opposition on your way.

Number seven: Test of faithfulness.

Before you experience that open door, I take you through a test of faithfulness. I bring you to places or give you things that seem like blessings, then I watch to see how you manage them. Your attitude in these moments determines if you can access more. This is where I check the disposition of your heart towards Me. Do you stay faithful when I give you a little of the blessings I promised? Do you reverence Me when opportunities to defile Me present themselves, or do you ignore and keep Me on the sidelines?

Joseph is a perfect example of a man who stayed faithful even in moments of pleasure. He was in charge of his master's house and could have given in to Potiphar's wife, but he refused. Joseph was already living in blessings, but he did not neglect Me by giving in to what seemed like a good opportunity. He stayed in reverence for Me and became qualified to receive more. Had Joseph accepted the offer to sin, he would have missed out on becoming the prime minister of the land. When you choose to enjoy that pleasure at the moment, you are canceling My blessings. It is like giving real gold for counterfeit.

I will also test your level of gratitude before I open new doors for you. I will discover the state of your heart when I give you a little of what you asked. While it might not be what you expect, you must be sensitive to your season. You must understand the place of appreciation in qualifying you to receive more. If I see that you do not regard what I give you, I keep the blessings. You must pass the test of gratitude before you can enjoy your next level.

Do you know that I always look out for your appreciation? Think about the 10 lepers that Jesus healed. They were desperately crying for healing as Jesus walked by, so He stopped and told them to go show themselves to the priest. As they left, the healing process began, but only one recognized the place of appreciation. When he went back to thank Jesus, He received a question: "Where are the other nine?" If gratitude weren't important, Jesus would not have asked. I paid attention to their reaction. This means that a test of gratitude comes every time I want to do more. The leper that returned got complete healing.

I can close the doors of blessings over your life because you never see the need to thank Me. This is why a lifestyle of gratitude must be your default state. When you ask Me for something big and I give you what looks insufficient, you must learn to thank Me. See that little as a seed that can multiply to become plenty. This was what happened when Jesus fed the 5,000. Five loaves of bread and two fishes were nothing among 5,000 people, but Jesus saw the possibility of an increase. He understood the multiplication power of thanksgiving, so He gave thanks, and as His disciples distributed the food, it was sufficient.

I observe your actions when I do not give you exactly the measure you asked for. This is where your faith and belief go through a test. So, when you receive less than what you asked, you must remember to thank Me. Ensure you pass the test that puts you on the radar for receiving more. Learn to always acknowledge Me for the little things.

Number eight: Isolation.

Whenever I want to set you up for greatness, I take you through a season of isolation. I separate you from your daily routine to a place where I can communicate with you. I also take certain people out of your life when I find that they will hinder My blessings. When you find Me calling you into isolation, it is an opportunity to build intimacy and strengthen your walk with Me. I call you out from the crowd to a season where you can hear My voice. This is when I take you off the busy schedule and thoughts of pressing needs and fix your gaze on Me. In such moments, you find your mind centered on My Word. It is My way of building your spiritual capacity for what I want to bring your way. I give you the strength to pray and help you receive a spiritual awakening in such moments. This is why the isolation seasons are your best moments with Me. It allows you to hear My heart and opens you up to My purpose for you. So, do you feel Me calling you into solitude or retreat? It’s a sign doors are about to open for you.

Number nine: Divine orchestration.

When I want to open new doors for you, I start aligning your steps with My will. You will find that your actions are in line with the direction of your blessings. These are not coincidences, as many call them; it is Me at work. Think about Joseph's ordeal in prison. He met people who needed dreams interpreted, and one of them later recommended him to the king, leading to his becoming the prime minister of Egypt. The same thing happened with Naomi and Ruth. In a moment of grief, Naomi thought of returning to her country, and Ruth followed. This was a divine orchestration for My blessings in her life. Ruth met and married a man named Boaz, and through them, I restored Naomi's joy. When you find Me directing you on what to do at every point, it is My way of positioning you for the open doors.

Number ten: Obedience.

When I want to propel you, I demand your obedience. It proves to Me that you love Me. It is important to not just discern but obey what I am saying to you in such moments. I might command you to do things that are inconvenient, but you must follow. Your obedience is what will grant you access to My best. I gave Abraham instructions that seemed greatly inconveniencing, but he obeyed. He left his country for a place of uncertainty. He did not question Me on the details of his journey; he just moved as I commanded. How about My instructions to him on circumcision? Abraham was willing to put himself through pain because he loved Me. You would also think that at that point I had seen and understood that Abraham was committed, but I still went further to ask for Isaac. And again, Abraham responded in obedience.

At the wedding in Cana, the waiters obeyed Jesus' instructions to fill the jars with water and serve it to the guests. They did not lean on their understanding; they went ahead in obedience because Jesus instructed them. This was the exact story of the widow of Zarephath. She obeyed Elijah's words at a time of inconvenience. Some of the instructions I give you will not seem logical. Peter spent all night fishing and caught nothing, but Jesus told him to do something he had already done. Peter went ahead in obedience. Luke 5:5-7 says, "Simon answered, 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.' When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink." He experienced a net-breaking miracle by obedience to My word.

These stories are proof that I leverage your obedience to unlock your blessings. Abraham received a covenant that still speaks after many generations. The guests at the wedding drank the best wine last. If only they knew that the wine they praised came as a result of obedience. The widow of Zarephath went from lack to sufficiency.

Take a moment to think about this insight and search your heart. How well have you responded to the instructions I gave you? Have you promptly shown obedience to Me? If you have, it is a sign that you are close to your blessings. Now that you know the signs I use to alert you of your blessings, you must learn to embrace each sign as it comes to you as an individual. See it as an opportunity to grow. In whatever season you find yourself, you must be faithful to the little I commit into your hands. Joseph never imagined that his dream of being above was to be over all of Egypt. He just kept being faithful. He had regard for Me and his master. He eschewed evil and kept a humble spirit even while he served a jail term. I honored him in return for his faithfulness. Until I find you faithful with the little that I give you, I do not give you more. You must learn to stay focused on whatever you find to do in this season. I will reward your faithfulness. To him who is faithful, more shall be given.

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