14 September 2023 Daily Blessing, Prayer, Verse and Poem

14 September 2023 Daily Blessing, Prayer, Verse and Poem

Today's Blessing & Prayer

Daily Appreciation

God is waiting to hear your voice, and he will visit your home tonight with miracles and answers. Open the door to your heart and let him in, and trust that he will guide you on your journey. Have faith that God will provide for you and bring you joy and happiness.

Daily Verse

Revelation 3:20 (NIV) "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."

Revelation 3:20 portrays Jesus as patiently waiting for us to invite Him into our lives. It's a beautiful image of the Lord's desire for a personal, intimate relationship with us, and it underscores the idea of opening our hearts to His presence.

Question for You

How can you actively listen for God's voice and invite Him into your life, trusting that He will guide you, provide for you, and bring you joy and happiness? Can you recall a moment when you felt His presence and experienced answers or miracles in your life as a result of opening your heart to Him?

Today's Poem

In the quiet of the night, His voice does softly call, At the threshold of your heart, He stands, to bless and enthral, Open wide the door of faith, let His grace inside enthrall, In miracles and answers, His love will never fall.

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