How to Be an Example of God’s Miracles in Your Life

Hello, friends. I’m so glad to have you with me today. I want to share with you a message of hope, faith, and victory. A message that will inspire you to believe that God has great things in store for your life. A message that will encourage you to rise above the challenges and the obstacles that you may be facing right now.

You see, God did not create you to be average. He did not create you to be mediocre. He did not create you to just get by. He created you to be a masterpiece. He created you to be a champion. He created you to be a leader. He created you to be an example.

An example of what? An example of His goodness. An example of His grace. An example of His power. An example of His love. An example of His favor. An example of His blessing.

You are not here by accident. You are here by divine appointment. You are here because God has a purpose for your life. You are here because God has a plan for your destiny. You are here because God has a dream for your future.

And let me tell you something: God’s dream for your life is bigger than your own dream. God’s plan for your destiny is greater than your own plan. God’s purpose for your life is higher than your own purpose.

God wants to do something amazing in your life. Something extraordinary. Something supernatural. Something miraculous.

He wants to take you where you’ve never been before. He wants to show you what you’ve never seen before. He wants to give you what you’ve never had before.

He wants to make you an example that anything is possible and miracles really happen.

Now, some of you may be thinking: “That sounds good, but how can I be an example? How can I see miracles in my life? How can I experience the impossible?”

Well, the answer is simple: You have to believe.

You have to believe that God is with you. You have to believe that God is for you. You have to believe that God is working in your favor.

You have to believe that what He promised, He will do. You have to believe that what He started, He will finish. You have to believe that what He said, He will make good.

You have to believe that no matter what the situation looks like, no matter what the circumstances say, no matter what the enemy tries, no matter what the critics speak, no matter what the doubters doubt, no matter what the haters hate, no matter what the naysayers nay, no matter what the obstacles are, no matter what the challenges are, no matter what the problems are, no matter what the delays are, no matter what the setbacks are, no matter what the disappointments are, no matter what the failures are, no matter what the losses are, no matter what the pain is, no matter what the hurt is, no matter what the fear is, no matter what the worry is, no matter what the anxiety is, no matter what the stress is, no matter what the depression is, no matter what the addiction is, no matter what the sickness is, no matter what the disease is, no matter what the diagnosis is, no matter what the prognosis is…

God has the final say!

God has the last word!

God has the ultimate authority!

God has the sovereign power!

God has the miracle-working ability!

God has the breakthrough-giving capacity!

God has the victory-bringing anointing!

God has the favor-releasing grace!

God has the blessing-unleashing favor!

God has it all under control!

And if God is for you, who can be against you?

If God is with you, who can stop you?

If God is on your side, who can defeat you?

Nobody and nothing!

So don’t let anything or anyone discourage you from believing in God’s promises for your life.

Don’t let anything or anyone distract you from pursuing God’s purpose for your destiny.

Don’t let anything or anyone deter you from fulfilling God’s plan for your future.

Don’t let anything or anyone diminish your faith in God’s power for your miracle.

Don’t let anything or anyone steal your joy in God’s goodness for your blessing.

Don’t let anything or anyone rob your peace in God’s presence for your protection.

Don’t let anything or anyone ruin your confidence in God’s love for your acceptance.

Don’t let anything or anyone destroy your hope in God’s grace for your salvation.

Don’t let anything or anyone take away your vision of God’s glory for your transformation.

Don’t let anything or anyone keep you from being an example that anything is possible and miracles really happen.

Because they do happen.

They happen every day.

They happen all around us.

They happen to people like you and me.

People who dare to believe.

People who choose to trust.

People who decide to obey.

People who commit to pray.

People who refuse to give up.

People who persist to overcome.

People who strive to excel.

People who aspire to inspire.

People who live to serve.

People who love to give.

People who are an example.

An example of God’s goodness.

An example of God’s grace.

An example of God’s power.

An example of God’s love.

An example of God’s favor.

An example of God’s blessing.

You are one of those people.

You are an example.

You are a miracle.

You are a child of God.

You are a winner.

You are a victor.

You are a champion.

You are a leader.

You are a masterpiece.

And you are going to be an example that anything is possible and miracles really happen.

I hope this message has blessed you today. I hope it has lifted your spirit. I hope it has strengthened your faith. I hope it has ignited your passion. I hope it has motivated your action. I hope it has inspired your vision. I hope it has transformed your life.

And I hope you will share it with someone else. Someone who needs to hear it. Someone who needs to see it. Someone who needs to feel it. Someone who needs to experience it. Someone who needs to be an example too.

Because you never know how God can use you to touch someone else’s life. You never know how God can use your story to change someone else’s destiny. You never know how God can use your miracle to create someone else’s miracle.

So don’t be afraid to be an example. Don’t be ashamed to be an example. Don’t be reluctant to be an example. Don’t be hesitant to be an example. Don’t be silent to be an example. Don’t be hidden to be an example.

Be bold to be an example. Be proud to be an example. Be eager to be an example. Be ready to be an example. Be vocal to be an example. Be visible to be an example.

Be an example that anything is possible and miracles really happen.

Because they do happen.

And they will happen for you.

And they will happen through you.

And they will happen because of you.

Because you are an example.

And God is with you.

And God is for you.

And God is working in your favor.

And God is doing something amazing in your life.

Something extraordinary.

Something supernatural.

Something miraculous.

So get ready for it.

Expect it.

Receive it.

Celebrate it.

Thank God for it.

And be an example of it.

Be an example that anything is possible and miracles really happen!

God bless you, friends. I love you and I’m praying for you. And I’ll see you next time.

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