Alma Police Announce Major Development in the 1995 Morgan Nick Kidnapping Case: A Christian Mother's Perspective on Justice, Hope, and Perseverance

Alma Police Announce Major Development in the 1995 Morgan Nick Kidnapping Case: A Christian Mother's Perspective on Justice, Hope, and Perseverance

It breaks my heart to hear about tragedies like the kidnapping of Morgan Nick. It’s hard to believe that nearly three decades have passed since the little girl’s disappearance in Alma, Arkansas, and yet, the pain for her family must still feel as raw as it did in 1995.

The Alma Police Department’s recent announcement about a new development from the Arkansas State Police is both hopeful and nerve-wracking. Morgan’s kidnapping has haunted the community for years, serving as a reminder of how precious and fragile life is. It’s not just a local issue; it’s a story that reverberates through the hearts of every parent across the nation. What could be more terrifying than losing a child in the blink of an eye?

I’ve seen my fair share of hardships, but I can’t begin to fathom the strength and perseverance it must take for Colleen Nick, Morgan’s mother, to keep pushing for answers all these years. It’s a testimony to a mother’s love and faith that she founded the Morgan Nick Foundation just a year after her daughter disappeared, dedicating herself to helping other families in similar situations. It’s a reminder that faith is not passive—it’s active. And sometimes, it means stepping up to be a voice for the voiceless, even when you’re struggling to find your own.

I spoke to a fellow Christian mother in my local church group about the new development in Morgan’s case. She shared, “I’ve followed Morgan’s story since the beginning. I prayed for her safe return then, and I’m praying for justice now. This announcement could be the breakthrough we’ve all been hoping for.” I couldn’t agree more. So many of us have prayed and hoped that one day, there would be answers, closure, and maybe even healing for the Nick family.

When I heard that the Alma Police Chief Jeff Pointer would be speaking on behalf of the Arkansas State Police, I felt a renewed sense of hope. Cases like this don’t go cold in the eyes of God. He sees every injustice, every tear, and every sleepless night. And when the Bible says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18), I truly believe that He has been close to the Nick family through every heart-wrenching moment of these last 28 years.

The upcoming press conference is bound to be a moment of tension and hope for everyone who has been following the case. We must continue to lift up the investigators and law enforcement officials in prayer. They’ve been working tirelessly, pursuing every lead—even when it felt like hitting a dead end time and time again.

For families affected by abductions, a breakthrough like this can mean so much. The renewed interest in Morgan’s case, driven in part by the release of the four-part documentary “Still Missing Morgan” on Hulu in 2023, reminds us that even decades-old cases are worth fighting for. The foundation of Colleen’s work and the ongoing community support show that this case is more than just a news story—it’s a legacy of perseverance and faith.

In times like these, I hold fast to the verse, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). While we may not yet understand the outcome of this development, I believe that every step forward is part of God’s plan.

As we await the details from the press conference, I encourage everyone to keep praying. Pray for the Nick family, for the investigators, and for anyone else who may be suffering in silence because of a missing loved one. It’s my deepest hope that this announcement will be a turning point, bringing us closer to the truth and, ultimately, to justice for Morgan Nick.

If this case has taught us anything, it’s that the search for truth and justice may take time—sometimes far longer than we expect—but with unwavering faith, community support, and persistent hope, it’s never out of reach. Let’s stand together, united in prayer and purpose, for Morgan and for every child still missing today.



If you’ve been following Morgan Nick’s story, what are your thoughts on this recent development? Share your prayers and hopes in the comments below.

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