Prayer for the Lonely Elderly

Prayer for the Lonely Elderly

Heavenly Father, be with those who are elderly and lonely.

Many have outlived loved ones and dear friends, and now spend much of their days alone. They miss the laughter and joy of family gatherings, and the company of friends over a cup of tea and simple conversation. Fill their hearts with your peace that surpasses understanding, and your abiding presence that never leaves them nor forsakes them.

Remind them that you are closer than a friend, dearer than a brother. Though people come and go, you remain steadfast. You walk beside them in their valley of shadows.

Send people into their lives who can offer companionship, cheer and a listening ear. Give strength, patience and compassion to family members, neighbors and those who volunteer their time to visit the elderly. Bless community programs that fight loneliness and isolation among seniors.

And for those who are housebound, increase their joy in the small pleasures of each day - the warmth of sunlight on their face, the song of a bird, memories of happier times. May they find comfort in remembering your unfailing love and faithfulness through all the years of their lives. Fill their final years with your peace and ever-present grace.

Lord, you are the ultimate comforter and companion to the lonely and forgotten. Be near to all who feel isolated and alone today. Cover them with the wings of your love. Increase their hope and fill their cups to overflowing, for your mercies are new each morning.

In Jesus' loving name we pray, Amen.


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