Prayer for the Homeless

Prayer for the Homeless


Heavenly Father,

We lift up to you those in our world who have no home. Those who struggle each day just to find shelter from the weather and a safe place to lay their head at night. Bring comfort to those who sleep on the streets and in shelters. Provide them with food, clothes and other basic necessities.


Send volunteers and organizations to assist them with kindness, compassion and dignity. Open the hearts of those with resources to help meet the growing need for affordable housing. Guide community leaders and lawmakers to create solutions that address homelessness and its root causes of poverty, addiction, and mental illness.


Give the homeless hope for a better future. May they find stability, meaningful work, and connections with others who can walk alongside them and support them. Fill those without homes with your peace that surpasses understanding and your unconditional love.


Remind them that you see them, you know them, and you care for them. We ask these things in Jesus' precious name,



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