Prayer for a Prodigal child

Prayer for a Prodigal child


Heavenly Father,

you are the source of all love and mercy. You see the struggles of my heart for my prodigal child who has wandered away from the path of faith. You know the many choices and temptations my child now faces.

I pray that you would give my child wisdom and guidance to make choices that honor you. Open my child's heart once again to your truth and light. Stir within my child a longing for the peace that only you can provide.

Speak to my child's spirit and guide my child's steps. Show my child the way home. Give me grace and patience as a parent, as I wait for my child to return. Fill my heart with hope, peace and joy that only you can provide.

And when my child comes home, help me to welcome my child with open arms, just as you so lovingly welcome all your prodigal children. In your perfect timing and love, I pray you would draw my child's heart back to you.

Restore my child's faith and fill my child's soul with your presence and life. Give my child a spirit of repentance and a desire to walk in your ways once more. Unite our family once again in love and peace that comes from you.

Heal any wounds or brokenness between us. Use this situation to draw our whole family closer to you. Most of all, I pray you would keep my child safe from harm until he or she finds her way home again.

Be near my child in the darkness, and shine your light to guide the way. Heavenly Father, hear my prayer. In Jesus' name I pray,


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