A Fresh Start | Morning Prayer

A Fresh Start | Morning Prayer


Good morning Lord!


I am so grateful for this new day you have blessed me with.

Yesterday is gone, and with it any mistakes I've made. Today is a chance for a fresh start. As I rise from my bed, fill me with the armor of God. Give me the helmet of salvation to protect my thoughts, the breastplate of righteousness to guard my heart, the belt of truth to keep me grounded in your word, and the shoes of peace to guide my steps.


Empower me with the sword of the Spirit, your living word, so I may face any challenges this day brings. Give me an attitude of gratitude as I eat the bread of life, your Holy body and blood.


Nourish my soul and strengthen me for the work you have planned. Help me speak words that build others up. Guide my actions so they honor you. Lord, I ask for your wisdom and discernment today. Show me the way I should walk and the work you need done.


Give me a kind heart toward all I meet. Give me the strength to forgive easily and love selflessly. With you by my side, I have no reason to fear. Though this world is passing away, your love is eternal.


Fill me now with your presence so I may shine your light for all to see. This day is a gift from you. I offer it back to you, for your glory and purpose. Use me as you will, dear Father.

I pray in Jesus' holy name, Amen.

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