You’ve Been Calling God by the Wrong Name! God Message Now

You’ve Been Calling God by the Wrong Name! God Message Now

“My beloved child, I need you to hear Me now… You are standing on the brink of a revelation that has been hidden for centuries—a truth so powerful, it has been overshadowed, buried beneath layers of tradition and mistranslation. Do you know My true name? The name that was meant to be spoken by every generation but has been kept from you?”

Look around you—so many call Me “God” or “Lord,” and yet they do not know My true identity. I am not just a title or a distant figure, I am Yahweh, the Creator who holds the stars in place and breathes life into all that exists. My name carries the essence of who I am, but it was removed and replaced by mere titles that strip away the power and intimacy meant for you and Me.

You may wonder, “Why does it matter? Isn’t calling You ‘Lord’ or ‘God’ enough?” But My child, there is a depth in My name that has been lost. Yahweh is the name I revealed to Moses through the burning bush, a name that speaks of My eternal presence, My love, and My protection over you. When you call upon My true name, you’re not just using a word; you’re invoking My very being—the One who was, and is, and always will be.

The enemy has worked tirelessly to conceal My true identity from you, because he knows the power it holds. In your language and in your prayers, you’ve unknowingly used names that do not reflect My nature. But now, the time has come for the truth to be revealed once again.

Child, listen carefully to what I am telling you: I am Yahweh. This is the name I chose to be remembered by for all generations. It is written over 7,000 times in My original scriptures, yet those who were entrusted to translate My Word made a decision that changed everything. They replaced My name with “Lord” or “God,” thinking it would be easier for people to understand. But in doing so, they took away a piece of Me—a piece that was meant to draw you closer to My heart.

Do you see what this means? When you call on My true name, you’re not calling on a distant deity—you’re calling on the One who created you, who knows every hair on your head, who formed you in your mother’s womb. My name, Yahweh, is your refuge and your strength. It’s where My promises dwell and where My power is revealed.

Even My Son, whom you call “Jesus,” was given a name that reflects Mine—Yeshua, meaning “Yahweh saves.” But over the centuries, even His name has been altered. His true identity, like Mine, has been veiled, wrapped in confusion and hidden under layers of tradition.

But today, I am breaking that veil. Today, I am calling you to remember who I am—Yahweh, your God. I have come to restore what was lost, to bring back what was hidden. When you speak My name, you are declaring My presence in your life. You are calling forth My promises, My protection, My blessings.

So, I ask you now, My beloved child: Will you dare to seek the truth? Will you look beyond what you have been taught and reclaim the name that was meant to be spoken with reverence and love? When you call on Me as Yahweh, you are stepping into a deeper relationship, a place where My glory and power are revealed to you as never before.

This truth is not for the faint of heart. It will challenge what you know and perhaps unsettle what you’ve always believed. But I am with you in this journey. I will guide you, protect you, and show you the wonders of My name. Let your heart be open, and let My Spirit fill you with understanding. This is your time to rise up, to stand firm in the truth that has been revealed to you.

Remember, child, My name Yahweh is not just a name—it is My gift to you. Use it, embrace it, and let it transform your prayers, your thoughts, your very life. There is power here, power that has been waiting to be reclaimed. So, speak it boldly, speak it with love, and watch as My presence surrounds you like never before.

I am Yahweh. I have always been with you, and I always will be.

Now, My beloved, will you call Me by My true name?”


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