You Are Never Alone: Embrace God's Love and Peace God Message 30 OCT 2024
Why Are You Afraid, My Little Lamb?
Do you think I’ve forgotten you, left you to face life’s storms alone? Listen closely—I am closer to you than your own breath. The One who crafted you, who knows the very depths of your heart, is right here, guiding you through every moment. When you feel overwhelmed, remember: *I am your calm in the chaos, the light in your darkest hour, and the hope that will never slip away.* You are engraved on the palms of My hands. You are not alone, and you are forever loved. ---Finding Calm Amidst the Chaos
When life’s storms roar and you feel overwhelmed, remember: I am your calm within the chaos, the light that shines when the night seems endless, and the hope you can cling to when all else slips away. My child, you are engraved upon the palms of My hands. You are not forgotten. You are precious, and I am intricately involved in every detail of your life. Even when you can’t see the full picture, trust that I am painting something beautiful, something beyond what your mind could ever imagine. ---You Are Not Abandoned
Do you feel alone? Do you think I have abandoned you? I assure you, I am right here, walking beside you, carrying you when your strength is gone. Every tear you shed, I collect; every sigh from your heart, I hear. *You are not on this journey alone.* I am your guide, the shoulder you can lean on, the voice that whispers in the quiet moments. You are not forsaken. My love is your refuge, and in My arms, you will always find rest. ---Trust in My Plan for Your Future
I hold your future, and I declare it good. Nothing that comes your way has escaped My sight, and I have already prepared a way through. *Trust in Me, My beloved.* Let go of the burdens you were never meant to carry; surrender them into My hands, for I am able to do immeasurably more than you could ask or think. Let My peace fill your heart, and walk boldly, knowing that I am with you always, guiding you with My loving hand. I will never leave you, nor will I forsake you. You are Mine, and I am yours, forever. ---Finding Purpose in Every Change
Do not be afraid when people leave or when plans fall apart. If a door closes, it is to lead you to something greater. *What you see as loss, I see as preparation.* I am removing what no longer serves you, clearing the way for the blessings I have in store. I know the depths of your heart, and I long to bring you into a place of rest and healing. Let My love wrap around you; let My Spirit bring you peace. I desire for your heart to flourish, for joy to abound, and for you to be surrounded by My presence. ---Embracing the Journey I Have Prepared
The changes in your life are not random; they are guided by My hand, clearing away what is harmful and preparing you for greater blessings. *Even setbacks and disappointments serve a greater purpose.* Trust that I am weaving every moment into a beautiful tapestry that reveals My love and faithfulness. Let go of your fears, live with hope, and know that every tear is seen by Me, every burden ready to be lifted if you release it to Me. ---You Are Deeply Loved and Secure in My Care
I am your Father, and you are deeply loved and secure in My care. I will never abandon you. Do not hide your voice or draw back from the world. I have given you strength and love, not fear. *Keep speaking, praying, and believing.* My work in you is just beginning. Your voice matters, and your prayers are heard. The mistakes of your past are forgiven, washed away by My sacrifice. I bore it all so you may live in freedom and hope. You are defined by My love and by the future I have prepared for you. ---Your Inheritance of Love and Security
Understand this, My child: *I have set aside an inheritance for you—a promise that you would live abundantly,* surrounded by love, safe under My watchful eye. The darkness and loneliness you once felt will be replaced with My glory. My light surrounds you, banishing every fear. I am here to heal every wound, to bind up the brokenhearted, and to lead you into a future filled with joy and purpose. I am the light that shines in your darkest moments, the hope that lifts you when you feel weary. I am making all things new, restoring what was lost and bringing beauty out of every broken place. ---Letting Go of Those Who Cause You Harm
Do not hold on to those who cause you harm; let them go. If they left, it is not because you are unworthy of love but because I am making room for something better. *I want you to know a love that honors and cherishes you, a love that reflects My own.* If they wish to return, be wise—not all who claim to love you are sincere. Let Me guide your heart and protect you from needless sorrow. I want you to know true love, a love that lifts you up and speaks life into your heart. Wait for the love I have ordained for you; it will be more than you could ever imagine. ---Rest in the Shelter of My Love
I care about every detail of your life, especially matters of your heart. Do not rush ahead or demand answers before their time. *Trust Me with your emotions, your relationships, and with the deepest parts of who you are.* You are My child, filled with My Spirit—a Spirit that is gentle yet strong, always present to guide and comfort you. Like a dove sheltering its young, I protect you from life’s storms. Rest in this assurance that your soul is safeguarded and your spirit never alone. ---Hope and Strength Through Every Change
When the winds of change blow, know that I am your shelter, your refuge, and your strength. *You are never without My love, and you are never without My presence.* There will come a day when you will stand before Me and see with clarity every twist and turn of your journey. Until then, I want you to experience My Kingdom here on Earth, to know the joy of being loved by the One who created you, and to feel the warmth of a divine embrace that no darkness can overcome. My love for you shines brighter than a thousand suns, and My presence surrounds you like a brilliant, holy light. Trust in this, My beloved—you are never alone, and you are always loved. ---Your Life is in My Hands
Every moment of your life is precious to Me. I am with you through every high and every low. *Your life is in My hands,* and I am arranging everything—circumstances, people, and moments—according to My perfect will. You were never meant to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, to live in constant anxiety, or to fear the future. I am with you always. Fear no one, and do not cling to what is temporary; the things of this world are fleeting, but My love endures forever. ---Lean on Me, and Believe in My Love
As long as you have life, you have more than hope—you have Me. And as long as you have faith, there are no limits to the miracles I can bring into your life. *I am the God of the impossible, and I delight in showing My power in your weakness.* When you feel you cannot go on, lean on Me, for I am your strength. Believe in My love, My child, and allow Me to bless you beyond your wildest dreams. ---The Glorious Future I Have Prepared
The future I have for you is glorious, and I will be with you every step of the way. I have plans to prosper you, to give you hope, and a future filled with promise. You are not alone, and you never will be. My love will carry you through every storm, and My peace will guard your heart and mind. *Trust in Me,* and know that I am working all things for your good. I am your Father, and I love you more than you could ever comprehend. Allow Me to lead you, to bless you, and to fill your life with My presence. The best is yet to come, and I will never leave your side.