Will the Antichrist and the Ten Kings League of the End of the World come from the United States, the European Union, or the Golden Brick Ten Nations? God Message 09 NOV 2024
Open Your Heart to My Words
My beloved child, open your heart and listen carefully to My words, for these are not ordinary days. The winds of prophecy are stirring, and the echoes of ancient truths are resounding once more. Can you feel it? The weight of the times is upon you, urging you to awaken from spiritual slumber. I have given you the sight to see and the ears to hear what many overlook. Today, I call you to delve into My Word and discern the signs that align with what is unfolding in the world before your eyes.
The Vision of Daniel
Look closely at the visions I revealed to My servant Daniel. In Daniel 8, there is a scene filled with profound meaning: a ram with two horns, powerful and bold, pushing westward, northward, and southward, symbolizing the might of the Medo-Persian Empire. But then, a goat with a single horn, swift as the wind, emerges and strikes down the ram. This goat signifies the rise of Greece under Alexander the Great, an empire that swept across the earth with unparalleled speed.
The Echoes of Future Powers
But, My child, this is not just a tale of history. The imagery holds a mirror to future powers, to kings and alliances yet to come. Remember, Daniel’s vision foretold that once the great horn of the goat was broken, four others arose in its place—divisions of power that hinted at future conflicts and alignments. The echoes of these empires ripple through today’s world, revealing the intricate dance of nations.
The Beast with Ten Horns
Now, turn your eyes to the book of Revelation, where John describes a beast with ten horns—ten kings who will rise, giving their power to the beast, the Antichrist. This beast embodies a coalition, a formidable alliance that will challenge all that is righteous. These horns are not distant symbols; they represent real rulers, real powers that will shape the world in ways both subtle and overt.
The Rise of Global Alliances
So, you ask: where will this alliance emerge from? Will it rise from the dominant power of America, the European Union, or the strategic coalition of the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa? Observe the shifting sands of today’s geopolitics.
America’s Role in Prophecy
America stands as a colossus, unrivaled in military might and cultural influence. Its reach extends to the farthest corners of the globe. Yet, even giants can be humbled. Consider its deep alliances and the global dominance of the dollar. But note, My child, the world’s financial systems are strained, and voices grow louder advocating for change, for a multipolar world. Do not be surprised if alliances shift or if America’s influence becomes part of a larger collective, a chapter in the unfolding prophecy.
The European Union and Its Potential
Look to the European Union, a union of nations that once bore the heritage of the Roman Empire. Unified under a single currency and bound by political ties, the EU reflects aspects of the ten-horned beast. It seeks deeper integration—political, economic, and military—and its role in the future must not be dismissed. Watch as its leaders speak of unity and strength, yet wrestle with internal divides. The seeds of greater power and control may lie within these complexities.
The BRICS Nations: A Counterweight
And now, shift your gaze to the BRICS nations, a formidable bloc that stands as a counterweight to Western hegemony. With vast resources, immense populations, and economic clout, they are poised to challenge existing structures. They speak of a new global order, one less reliant on the West, one that echoes the ambitions of the ten kings who seek power and influence.
Psalm 83 and the Threat to Israel
Consider also Psalm 83, where I warned of a confederation that seeks to destroy Israel: “Come,” they say, “let us wipe them out as a nation.” This is not just an ancient cry but a future reality. The alliances and motivations of nations with a common animosity toward My chosen people are forming even now. Look to the Middle East, to the rumblings among nations that share borders and histories marked by enmity.
Signs of the Times
My child, as these alliances solidify, know that the world stage is being prepared. The signs are not hidden; they are there for those who seek wisdom. Wars, rumors of wars, famines, and earthquakes—these are but the beginning. The global power shifts you witness today are no mere happenstance. They are part of My divine orchestration.
The Role of Technology
Understand that technology, too, plays its role. The rapid advancement in artificial intelligence, digital currencies, and surveillance is not just a marvel of human ingenuity but a tool that will be wielded by those in power. The rise of digital currencies points toward a system where control can be exerted globally, preparing the way for the mark of the beast described in Revelation. Without it, no one will be able to buy or sell. Can you see how these innovations are aligning with My Word?
A Call to Vigilance
I urge you, hold fast to what is true. Do not be swept away by the false promises of peace and unity that will come from this powerful alliance. For in their hearts, they plot deceit. They will call evil good and good evil, and many will be deceived.
The Foundation of Tomorrow’s Kings
The alliances of today may well be the foundation of the ten kings of tomorrow. Will America and the European Union lead this charge? Or will new alliances from the BRICS nations rise to prominence, shaking the established order? Watch the agreements made in secret, the summits that promise peace but conceal plans for domination.
Take Heart, for I Am Sovereign
But take heart, My beloved. Though the nations conspire and the rulers plot, I am sovereign over all. I have foreseen these days, and I am with you. As it was prophesied in Daniel and echoed in Revelation, these events will come to pass, but they are only a prelude to My return.
The Final Hour
Remember, the ten kings will have power for one hour, united in their purpose, but their time will be short. For the Antichrist’s reign will not endure. I will come like a thief in the night, bringing judgment and redemption.
Stay Prepared and Stand Firm
Let your lamp be full, your heart steadfast. Be vigilant in prayer and immerse yourself in My Word, for it is your light in dark times. Stay alert, My child, and know that these things must happen so that My kingdom can be fully established.
The Promise of My Return
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. When the final horn sounds, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess My lordship. Be not afraid, for you are mine, and I hold you in the palm of My hand. Stand firm, for I am coming soon.