What Happens When Holy Spirit Enters You : God Message 25 OCT 2024
My beloved child, have you ever truly understood the depth of what happens when My Spirit enters your life? Many think they know, but what if I told you that the changes go far beyond what you can imagine? This is no small transformation—it’s a complete renewal of your heart, your mind, and your soul. And the most incredible part? These changes begin in ways you might not even expect.
Becoming Something New
When My Spirit enters your life, it’s not just about becoming a little better. No, child, it's about becoming something entirely new. My Spirit doesn’t just give you comfort; He gives you power, wisdom, and a joy that can’t be explained, even when the world around you is falling apart. Can you feel that stirring deep within you, even now? That’s My Spirit working, shifting things inside you, preparing you for something greater.The Visible Work of My Spirit in You
Pause for a moment. Think back—have you noticed yourself becoming more patient, more gentle, even when it seemed impossible? These aren’t coincidences. This is the visible work of My Spirit, molding your character to reflect Me. Imagine yourself once quick to anger or frustration, and now you pause, breathe, and choose love. That’s Me. That’s My Spirit living in you, reshaping you, making you more like My Son.A Transformation of Your Desires
But My work in you doesn’t stop there. This journey—this beautiful process—is not just about your outward actions but your heart. I am transforming your desires, aligning them with My will. What once seemed hard or burdensome now becomes a joy to obey. Have you felt this shift in your spirit, where obedience isn’t a chore but a natural response to My love? This is My Spirit teaching you, guiding you into deeper intimacy with Me.Finding Joy in Trials
And when trials come—and they will—remember this: My Spirit is the source of joy that sustains you. Not a fleeting happiness, but a joy that overflows, even when the storms of life rage around you. It’s a peace that makes no sense to the world, but it is rooted in My presence. Have you ever wondered how you can smile through the pain? How, in the midst of your darkest days, you find yourself still holding on to hope? Child, that’s Me. I am with you, through every moment, and I will never leave your side.Bold Living Through My Spirit
You see, when My Spirit enters your life, He doesn’t just make small improvements. He empowers you to live boldly, to speak of My love with courage, and to face challenges with a faith that cannot be shaken. He sharpens your discernment, giving you wisdom to see beyond what is on the surface. Those situations where you once felt lost or confused? Now, you sense My guidance, My whispers leading you toward the right path.The Gift of Discernment
I want you to reflect on this: Have you felt My Spirit nudging you, warning you, even in the smallest of decisions? That’s My gift to you—discernment that protects you from harm, that opens your eyes to the truth. I’m aligning your heart with Mine, revealing deeper truths to you that go far beyond what you once knew.Assurance of Salvation
And, child, My Spirit assures you of something even greater—your salvation. The confidence that you are Mine, that no power in heaven or earth can separate you from Me, is a gift that My Spirit secures deep within your soul. Have you felt that unshakable peace when doubts try to creep in? That’s Me reminding you—you are My child, forever loved, forever protected.Embracing Transformation
This transformation I’m leading you through is just the beginning. The more you surrender to My Spirit, the more you will see your life reflect the beauty of who I am. Now, I ask you—are you ready to embrace all that I have for you? To step into the fullness of what I’ve prepared? My Spirit is already at work in you, and the changes have begun. Watch as I continue to mold you, guide you, and lead you into a life that reflects My glory. Type 'Amen' if you are ready for this transformation. Share your experience below if you’ve ever felt My Spirit move in your life—because today is the day I take you deeper into My presence, and your life will never be the same.The Power of Obedience Through Love
Beloved, as My Spirit continues to work in your life, let Me take you deeper into something profound—obedience. Many see obedience as a burden, a heavy weight to carry. But, child, what if I told you that true obedience flows not from duty, but from love? When My Spirit is alive in you, obeying My Word becomes your greatest desire because it is born out of a heart that longs to please Me.Obedience as a Natural Expression of Faith
Think of a river, flowing effortlessly toward the ocean—this is how obedience should feel when My Spirit guides you. Have you noticed that, over time, what once seemed difficult now feels like a natural expression of your faith? Let Me remind you of something Jesus said: "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments." (John 14:15) This is the key. My Spirit empowers you to obey because your heart is filled with love for Me.A Shift Toward Truth
The lies, the shortcuts, the compromises you once relied on—they no longer satisfy. Instead, you feel drawn to truth, to honesty, and to walking in My ways. Have you felt that shift, where you no longer have to force yourself to do what is right, but you want to because you love Me? This is the beauty of My Spirit working within you.Joy in the Midst of Tribulation
But, child, there’s more I want to reveal to you—joy in the midst of tribulation. Yes, even when the storms of life rage around you, My Spirit fills you with a joy that cannot be explained. This joy is not the kind the world offers; it is supernatural, unshakable, and rooted in Me. Think of the times when you’ve been pressed on every side, yet somehow, you still found yourself smiling, still felt hope rise within you. That’s My Spirit.Peace and Strength Through My Spirit
I know the weight you carry, the battles you face, and the nights you’ve cried out, asking 'Why?' But even in those moments, I am there, placing My joy deep within you. Philippians 4:7 says, "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." My peace and joy are a shield around you, even when life tries to steal your hope. Have you ever been through something that should have broken you, yet you stood firm, not in your strength, but in Mine? Child, that’s My joy at work, sustaining you, lifting you up when everything around you is crumbling. I am your strength, and My joy is your power.Sensitivity to Sin
But here’s something even more important: sensitivity to sin. My Spirit in you sharpens your awareness, helping you see sin for what it truly is—destructive, deceptive, and far from My will for you. Before, you may have tolerated things that were not of Me, brushed aside thoughts, words, or actions that grieved My heart. But now, My Spirit brings conviction. What once felt harmless now causes discomfort. Have you felt that nudge in your heart when you’ve said something unkind or entertained a thought that doesn’t honor Me? This is My Spirit purifying you, drawing you closer to Holiness.Conviction and Freedom
Do not resist this conviction. It is a gift—Me leading you away from destruction and guiding you toward life. You may have noticed that you feel more uncomfortable with the little things—small lies, gossip, or moments of anger. This is not to condemn you, My child, but to free you. I am teaching you to live in the fullness of righteousness, to let go of what hinders you, and to embrace the holiness I’ve called you to.Confidence in Salvation
And as you grow more sensitive to sin, let Me strengthen your confidence in salvation. There will be days when doubt tries to creep in, when the enemy whispers lies, telling you that you’re not good enough, that your past disqualifies you, or that My love has limits. But listen carefully—nothing can separate you from My love. My Spirit is the seal of your salvation, the unshakable assurance that you are Mine, now and forever. Romans 8:16 says, "The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children." This is the truth I want you to hold onto.The Anchor of My Love
Even in your darkest moments, when you feel unworthy, My Spirit is there, whispering to your heart, "You are loved. You are chosen. You are Mine." Have you ever felt that sudden peace, that reminder of My love when everything seemed uncertain? That’s Me. I am the anchor for your soul, keeping you grounded when the waves try to pull you under.A Desire for Communion and Prayer
Let Me tell you about the desire for communion and prayer that My Spirit stirs within you. Have you noticed how prayer no longer feels like a duty, but a lifeline? A moment where you pour out your heart to Me and find comfort, direction, and peace? That is My Spirit drawing you closer, creating in you a hunger for My presence. The more you come to Me, the more you will find that I am already here, waiting, ready to meet you.The Power of Communion with Me
Prayer isn’t just about asking Me for things. It’s about communion, about resting in My presence, about feeling the warmth of My love surround you. Have you felt that pull lately—the desire to spend more time with Me, to seek My face in the quiet moments? That’s My Spirit, drawing you deeper, inviting you to experience the fullness of My love.The Passion to Share My Love
And child, with this deepening communion comes something even more powerful—a passion to share My love with the world. My Spirit doesn’t just transform you for your sake; He fills you with a burning desire to tell others about Me. Evangelism isn’t just for preachers or missionaries. No, it’s for you, in your everyday life. The words you speak, the love you show, the light you carry—it’s all a testament to what I’m doing in you.The Call to Evangelism
Have you ever felt that stirring, that moment where you just couldn’t keep quiet about what I’ve done for you? That’s My Spirit pushing you, urging you to share My love with a world that desperately needs it. Don’t be afraid, for I will give you the words, the courage, and the opportunities. You don’t have to be perfect; you just have to be willing.Comfort in Times of Pain
And as you move forward, let Me be your comforter. There will be moments of pain, loss, and confusion—times when you don’t understand why things are happening the way they are. But in those moments, My Spirit is there, wrapping you in peace that goes beyond understanding. I am the God who sees your tears, who feels your heartache, and I promise you this: I will never leave you. Even in the valley of the shadow of death, I am with you, and My comfort will sustain you. Have you ever felt that peace settle over you in the midst of chaos? That’s Me, holding you, whispering that I am still in control.The Journey of Transformation
Child, let this journey with My Spirit be your greatest adventure. There are layers of My love, My power, and My grace that you have yet to discover. I am taking you from glory to glory, transforming you day by day, moment by moment. And the best part? This transformation is just the beginning. The more you surrender, the more you will see My hand at work in your life.Are You Ready for This Transformation?
Now, are you ready to step into the fullness of what I’ve prepared for you? Say "Yes, Lord!" in the comments, and declare with faith that you are ready for this journey of transformation. The Holy Spirit is moving, and child, your life will never be the same.