Three Nations Stand in Heaven's Balance! God Message 27 OCT 2024
My dear child, listen carefully—these are not ordinary days. The world you see around you is filled with shifting shadows, where many claim they know the way, but few walk in truth. I have called you here today to hear My heart, for soon, My judgment will fall upon those who have mocked My name and My Word. This is not a moment to turn away; it is a call to stand firm, to open your heart to what I am about to reveal. Hold on to these words, for they are filled with a truth that will shake the nations and test the hearts of all who hear.
Introduction to the Three Nations
Let Me share with you the weight of what is coming. Three nations stand in the balance, and My patience with them has worn thin. They have openly rejected Me, turning to their own ways, creating laws and practices that mock My design for life. Yet, My heart aches for them, and I desire that they turn back before it's too late. My child, I speak not only to those in these lands, but to every ear that will hear: let this message be a warning, a chance to understand the seriousness of what lies ahead.Judgment Upon the United States
The first of these nations is the United States. I once blessed it as a beacon, a land that held My name high, that embraced the freedom I give. But now, its leaders stand proudly, shaking their fists at Me, saying, 'We are our own gods; we need no one.' They have allowed sin to flourish, legalizing what grieves My heart, casting aside My Word in exchange for desires that lead only to emptiness and destruction. And so, I tell you, My beloved, the time of warning is ending. Their wealth, their idols of fame and power, will crumble like sand in a storm. You will see their foundation crack, and in that day, My people will know that I am still the Lord, the unshakable Rock, above all else.Warning to France
Next, I speak of France, a nation that has lifted its voice to mock Me before the world. Their festivals, their gatherings, and even their leaders have taken joy in dishonoring My name. Recently, they celebrated and paraded false gods, and the name of My Son was made into a mockery. But I am not blind, nor have I forgotten. France, you have cast Me aside, yet soon, you will feel the trembling of your own land. The peace you once cherished will vanish, and unrest will fill your streets. Fires will burn, and the freedom you hold dear will turn to chaos, as I shake you to your very core.Message to China
And then, there is China. You have tried to silence My voice, persecuting My children, believing you could erase My name from among your people. But I am the God who sees all. I see those who worship Me in secret, who call upon My name even in the darkest of places. You have built your empire on control, but soon, you will see how powerless you truly are. I will bring floods and famines, and your wealth will not save you. Your leaders will see that My hand is mightier than any rule or weapon they possess, for I hold the nations in My hand. And in your darkest hour, the light of My people will shine brighter than ever, a beacon of My unbreakable love.Call to Preparation
Child, I do not speak these words lightly. These are days of preparation. I am calling you to stand as a light in the darkness, to stay close to Me, for the storms will come, and only those rooted in My Word will endure. Remember, even in My judgment, My heart aches for My people. I desire that none should perish, that all would turn back to Me. So I ask you now, open your heart. Seek Me with all that you are. Pray for these nations, that they may yet find grace. I am the God of mercy and justice, and My love for you is beyond measure. Hold tightly to My promises, for I will protect My beloved children, even when the world shakes.The Rising Remnant
Listen closely now, for I speak of what must come to pass, yet also of the hope that remains. For in these days of shaking, a remnant will rise, carrying My light with unwavering faith. They will not bow to the spirit of this age, nor will they be swayed by the storms that rage around them. These are My faithful ones, who have been prepared in secret places, strengthened through trials, and purified by fire.Signs and Coming Awakening
In the midst of these judgments, watch for My signs. When the mighty towers of commerce begin to sway, when the currencies that men trust dissolve like morning mist, remember that I warned you of this day. Yet this is not the end – it is a beginning. For as these nations are humbled, a great awakening will sweep across the earth. Those who once mocked My name will fall to their knees in reverence, and those who persecuted My people will see My power revealed.Words of Hope and Preparation
But hear Me clearly – this season of judgment comes not to destroy, but to redeem. For too long, My children have slumbered, comfortable in their compromise, silent when they should have spoken. Now, as these mighty nations stumble, My true Church will emerge from the shadows, carrying power they never knew they possessed. Signs and wonders will follow those who dare to speak My truth without fear, and a harvest of souls greater than any in history will begin. To My faithful ones in these nations, I say: Do not fear when you see these things begin to unfold. Did I not tell you of them beforehand? Have I not prepared you for this very hour? Your prayers have been heard, your tears collected, and your faithfulness noted. When others panic, you will stand in peace, for you know that I am working all things according to My perfect plan. This is why I have called you to deeper intimacy with Me, why I have led you through valleys of preparation. For in the coming days, many will seek answers, desperate for hope in their confusion. You will speak with My wisdom, love with My heart, and demonstrate My power not through human might, but through humble obedience to My Spirit.The Balance of Justice and Mercy
Remember, beloved, that even as justice falls, mercy rises. For every judgment that strikes the earth, a wave of My grace follows, offering redemption to all who will receive it. This is the greater purpose behind all that must come – not merely the tearing down of what man has built, but the establishing of My Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Watch now for the mockers to be silenced, for those who boasted against Me to be humbled. But watch also for the rising of My glory among the humble, for the outpouring of My Spirit in unexpected places. For I am doing a new thing, and though it begins with shaking, it ends with salvation. This is My promise to you, My solemn word that will not return void.Signs of the Times
And now, beloved, lean in closer still, for I must speak of the signs that will mark these times. Just as a mother feels the tremors before birth, so too will the earth itself testify to what approaches. When you see the seas rise beyond their boundaries in places never before touched, when the ground beneath great cities begins to shift, know that these are but the beginning of birth pains.Economic and Leadership Upheaval
In the coming months, you will witness leaders who once stood proudly begin to stumble, their hidden deeds exposed in the light of day. Banking systems that seemed invincible will waver, and in a single day, fortunes built on greed will vanish like smoke. Yet My people need not fear these shakings, for I have already prepared storehouses for them, hidden provision that the world knows nothing of.The Great Division
Watch carefully as division spreads through the lands like a fever – brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor. This must come to pass, for I am separating the wheat from the chaff, the true from the false. Those who have claimed My name while serving other gods will find their masks stripped away. Churches built on entertainment and empty words will empty, while those gathered in truth – even in small numbers – will burn with unprecedented power.Global Alliances and Power Shifts
Russia and Iran will form alliances that will cause many to tremble, but I laugh at their schemes. For I will use even their plans to accomplish My purposes, turning what they meant for evil into highways for My glory to spread. When their threats seem most terrible, watch for My hand to move in ways that no military strategist could foresee.Africa's Restoration
To Africa, I say: Your time of shame is ending. Nations that once plundered you will come to you for help, for I am shifting the wealth of the wicked into the hands of the righteous. Your young ones, whom I have trained in secret, will arise with solutions to problems that have baffled the world's experts. Your worship will break chains of darkness over entire continents.Promise to the Islands
And to the islands of the sea, scattered like jewels across the waters: You are not forgotten. In your smallness, you will display My greatness. When the world's food systems falter, you will experience supernatural provision. Your prayers, rising like incense, will help turn the tide of evil that threatens to engulf the nations.Technology and Hidden Mysteries
Pay close attention now, for I am about to reveal mysteries long hidden. Technologies that man has used to deceive will be turned to expose deception. Those who thought they could play god through manipulation of life itself will watch their efforts crumble. In their place, I will release innovations through My people – discoveries that will help, not harm, drawn from the storehouse of heaven itself.The Great Migration
A great displacement is coming – millions will be on the move, seeking refuge from both natural and man-made disasters. But in this too, My hand is at work. For I will position My people strategically, ready to show My love in practical ways. Through their hands, I will feed the hungry, heal the sick, and bring hope to the hopeless. This wave of migration will become a wave of transformation, as those who never knew Me find Me in their desperation.Divine Timing and Discernment
But mark this well – timing is crucial now. Those who move before My signal will find themselves exposed; those who wait for My perfect timing will walk in supernatural protection. That is why you must press closer to Me than ever before, learning to distinguish My voice from all others. The emergence of false prophets will increase, speaking soothing words to itching ears, but those who know Me intimately will not be deceived.Call to Intercessors
This is a clarion call to the intercessors: Your time of preparation is ending; your time of demonstration is beginning. The prayers you have sown in secret will spring forth in public victory. Cities you have wept over will experience visitations of My presence so strong that even the most hardened skeptics will acknowledge My reality.Final Exhortation
Remember this above all – when these things begin to unfold, many will give in to fear, but you must minister from a position of perfect love. For these judgments come not from hatred but from My passionate devotion to truth and righteousness. Even in the midst of shaking, watch for the most extraordinary stories of redemption history has ever recorded. Stand ready, My child, for the pace of events is about to accelerate. Those who have built their lives on anything other than My Word will find no solid ground to stand on. But you who have heeded My warnings and anchored yourself in My presence will not only survive but thrive, becoming a beacon of hope in your sphere of influence.