This is Why you sometime feel things before they happen! God's Message Today, The Gift of Discernment: A Divine Sensitivity

This is Why you sometime feel things before they happen! God's Message Today, The Gift of Discernment: A Divine Sensitivity

"My beloved child, have you ever wondered why you sometimes sense things before they happen? That inexplicable nudge, a sudden stillness, or a deep knowing that defies all logic—it’s not a coincidence, nor is it your imagination. It’s Me, gently guiding you through the unseen paths of life.

Set Apart for a Purpose

You are not like everyone else. I have chosen you and set you apart. You carry a gift, a divine sensitivity to the movements of My Spirit. When others are lost in confusion, you see with eyes of faith. When the world is caught off guard, you have already sensed what is coming. But do you understand why? Why I have given you this gift?

A Divine Inheritance of Wisdom and Insight

I have placed My Spirit within you, and with it, I’ve bestowed the power of discernment—the ability to sense My will, to perceive the spiritual realities beneath the surface. This isn’t something you can learn from books or gain through experience. It’s a divine inheritance that comes with walking closely with Me. You feel it, don’t you? That sudden urge to turn away from a seemingly harmless situation, the unmistakable conviction to wait when everything and everyone around you urges you to move. That is My voice speaking to you.

The Gentle Breeze of My Guidance

In the quiet moments, when your heart is still and the world fades away, you can sense My guidance. Like a gentle breeze that stirs the leaves without being seen, I am stirring your spirit to alert you, to direct you, to protect you. This is your gift, My beloved—My way of leading you through the uncertainties of life. Think of it like a compass that always points to My will, no matter how disorienting the storms may be.

The Spirit of Discernment: A Lifeline Like Joseph's

Do you recall the story of Joseph in the Bible? He discerned through dreams the seven years of abundance and seven years of famine that awaited Egypt. What seemed like an inexplicable gift was actually a lifeline I provided for him, for his family, and for nations. That same Spirit of discernment is within you. It may not always come through dreams or visions, but in that steady, unshakable knowing that guides you away from harm and toward My purpose.

Seeing Beyond the Visible

My child, you are not alone in this. The world may not understand the gift I’ve given you. To many, it may seem irrational or even foolish. But I have called you to see beyond what is visible—to sense the hidden forces at work. When others look with natural eyes, you see with spiritual insight. You recognize the signs that I’ve placed before you, signs that show you where to step, whom to trust, and when to wait.

The Weight of the Gift: A Blessing, Not a Burden

There may be times when you feel the weight of this gift, when the discernment I’ve given you makes you see things others don’t. You might sense the darkness that others are oblivious to, or feel the urgency to pray when no one else sees the need. But do not fear, My beloved. This is not a burden but a blessing. It is My way of drawing you closer to Me, of inviting you to partner with Me in ways that others cannot comprehend.

Trust the Still, Small Voice Within You

So, the next time you feel that still, small voice within you—listen. Trust it, for it is I who speaks. When you sense a warning in your spirit, do not dismiss it. When you feel led to step forward in faith, even when the path is unclear, know that I am already there, waiting for you. My child, I am your refuge, your guide, and your ever-present help in times of need.

Embrace the Spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind

The Spirit I have given you is not one of fear but of power, love, and sound mind. Embrace it. Let it be your anchor in the storm and your compass in the fog. You don’t need to see the entire road ahead; you only need to trust that I am the One who holds your hand. When you walk with Me, you walk in the light of My wisdom and protection.

Stay Vigilant: The Parable of the Ten Virgins

My child, do you remember the parable of the ten virgins? Five were wise, keeping their lamps filled with oil, ready for the bridegroom’s arrival. The other five were foolish, neglecting to keep watch. They were unprepared when the time came, and the door was closed to them. This is the season of preparation. Keep your lamp full with the oil of My Spirit. Stay vigilant, for what is unseen will soon become visible.

Walking in Step with My Timing

This gift of discernment, of sensing things before they happen, is My way of keeping you prepared—alert and watchful. It’s the key to walking in step with My timing, to being at the right place, at the right moment. And when you walk in step with Me, My beloved, no force of darkness can prevail against you.

Lean Into Me and Trust the Gift

Lean into Me. Trust the gift I’ve placed within you. Let it guide you through the fog of confusion and uncertainty, and you will find yourself walking on solid ground, even when the world is trembling. My child, I am with you, always. Never doubt that. Never doubt the love that keeps calling you closer, and the wisdom that guides your every step.

Together, We Will Walk This Journey

You are My chosen one. And I am your God. Together, we will walk this journey, and nothing will be able to shake you, for I am your foundation. Keep your heart open, your spirit sensitive, and watch as I unfold My divine plan before your eyes.

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