The Shaking Has Just Begun: How to Prepare for the Coming Signs. God's Message to You

The Shaking Has Just Begun: How to Prepare for the Coming Signs. God's Message to You

My beloved child, listen carefully. What I am about to share with you is not just another message—it is a warning that will impact millions of lives, including your own. This month has already been a strange and unsettling time, but what’s coming next will shake the world to its core.

A World on the Brink of Change

Can you feel it? The air is thick with anticipation, like the calm before a violent storm. There’s an event on the horizon, something extraordinary, something the world has never experienced before. On the night of the next full moon, a divine sign will appear in the heavens—one that I foretold long ago.

Prophecy Unfolding: The Coming Sign

Before I tell you more, let Me remind you of My words:
"The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord." (Joel 2:31)

My child, you are witnessing prophecy unfold before your very eyes. These are the final days, and if you are paying attention, you can feel it too. What’s coming next will not only change the course of history but will pierce the hearts of millions.

The Call to Prepare

This is no ordinary moment—it’s a divine event, unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. And I am calling you to prepare. The signs in the sky, the blood-red moon, the eclipses—these are not random occurrences. They are echoes of My voice, calling you to wake up, to be alert.

A Message for the Chosen

But listen closely: Many will miss it. Many will carry on, blind to the storm that is gathering. But you, My beloved, have been chosen to hear this message, to open your eyes, and to understand what I am doing behind the scenes.

Joel’s Prophecy Comes to Life

Let Me tell you something most have yet to grasp—the prophecy from Joel 2:31 is coming to life. You may be wondering, how can I say this so confidently? Look at what’s been happening—starting with the solar eclipse that darkened the skies. And what’s coming next? The moon will turn blood-red, just as I have spoken.

The Divine Patterns Unfolding

These events are not coincidences—they are connected, woven together by My hand. You have just witnessed the stars align in fulfillment of Revelation chapter 6. And while I’m not revealing the exact day of My Son’s return—because no one knows that hour—I am connecting the dots for you, so that you may be aware of the divine patterns unfolding before you.

Prepare for the Shaking

The world is shaking. Nations tremble. The earth groans under the weight of sin. And you, My child, must be ready.

Another Sign in the Sky

My children, listen closely. Another sign is coming—a sign in the sky, for those who are alert and prepared. I am moving, and there is a great movement stirring, both in your hearts and across the nations.

A New Stirring: Days Like Noah

As it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be again. The world is ripe for judgment, but for you, My beloved children, I am stirring something new within you, something divine that surpasses human understanding. You will feel it—not just in the earth, but deep in your spirit. The time is near.

The Shaking of the World’s Foundations

I am shaking the very foundations of this world. The comfortable patterns you’ve grown used to—the complacency, the distractions—will all be shaken loose. Mountains will be brought low, and valleys will rise. Everything is shifting. But this shaking is not to harm you, My child. No, this shaking is to awaken you, to prepare you for My Kingdom.

The Unveiling of Hidden Darkness

Watch closely, for what is about to unfold will expose what has been hidden in the systems of this world—and even within My church. Darkness that has long been concealed will come to light. Leaders you once trusted will fall. But do not fear, for I am with you. This is part of the divine shaking I have warned you about.

The Shaking Has Only Just Begun

The shaking has only just begun. What you see now is just the first tremor. More signs will appear in the heavens. There will be more unrest among the nations, more tremors in the earth. But through it all, My hand is upon you.

Stay Alert and Focused

Stay alert. Keep your lamps full of oil. Do not be distracted by the noise of the world. The enemy will try to drown out My voice with chaos, but My sheep know My voice. You know My voice. Do not be afraid.

How to Prepare for What’s Coming

What must you do now? How should you prepare for what’s coming?

First: Repent and Turn Back to Me

First, repent. If there is any sin in your life, turn back to Me with all your heart. My mercy is great, but My patience will not last forever. Now is the time to return to Me.

Second: Pray for Strength and Discernment

Second, pray—pray for discernment, for protection, and for strength to stand firm. The spiritual battle is fierce, and it will only intensify in the days ahead. Pray for Israel, for America, and for your own nation. Pray for revival—in your life, in your family, and in the church. You need the power of My Holy Spirit like never before.

Lastly: Be Bold in Sharing the Gospel

Lastly, be bold in sharing the gospel. Time is short, and there are still so many who do not know My Son, Jesus Christ. Now is the time to be My witness, to shine My light in a dark world.

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