If you understand this, You will have everything! God's Message Today

If you understand this, You will have everything! God's Message Today

My beloved child,
Do you ever feel like you’re running on a treadmill, going through the motions, yet still feeling empty inside? Have you ever wondered if there’s something deeper, something more meaningful beneath the surface of your daily routines? My heart aches when I see you struggling, striving, and pushing yourself to exhaustion without feeling that deep sense of fulfillment you long for. But I want to show you a path—a path that leads to true peace, lasting joy, and a transformation beyond what you ever imagined.

Today, I want to take you on a journey through the words of My Son, Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount. These are not just ancient sayings etched into history—they are living truths, filled with power, meant to shape your life in profound ways. They’re like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered and lived out. These teachings are tools that can elevate your mind, heal your heart, and set your spirit free.

Have you been searching for clarity in a world clouded by confusion?
Then hear this: “You are the salt of the earth.” I have set you apart to be a source of flavor, a preserver of truth, and a beacon of hope to a world that’s losing its way. But, My child, salt is only effective when it’s sprinkled, not when it’s locked away. Have you been hiding the light I placed within you? Imagine your presence as a soft, comforting glow that chases away shadows, brings warmth, and helps others find their way.

I know, being light isn’t always easy. There are days when darkness presses in, and it feels overwhelming. But remember, even the smallest light can illuminate the deepest night. You’re not alone in this—I’m with you, and I am your strength. Together, we can dispel the darkness. Take a moment to reflect: how can you shine brighter in your community, your family, or even in your own heart?

And what about love—true, unconditional love?
I see how hard it is to love those who have hurt you. When Jesus said, “Love your enemies,” He wasn’t asking you to pretend the hurt doesn’t exist. He was calling you to rise above it, to break the cycle of pain with a love that has the power to heal, to set you free from bitterness, and to transform the very people who’ve wronged you. Child, resentment will only chain you to the past. But forgiveness… it unlocks your heart and sets you free. Are you willing to let go of those chains today?

Take a deep breath and release it all to Me. Remember, I see everything. I know how hard it is for you to forgive. But, My dear one, I also see the incredible strength within you. I put it there, and I’ll be with you as you take this step toward freedom. Can you picture the peace you’ll feel once you let go? Imagine a life where your heart is no longer weighed down by anger, but lifted by love.

Let’s talk about humility.
It’s not about shrinking back or thinking less of yourself. No, true humility is acknowledging that you need Me, and that’s where your strength lies. When you recognize your need for Me, My presence fills the empty spaces in your heart, like rain soaking into dry, thirsty soil. The world tells you to be self-sufficient, but I tell you: lean into Me. Rest in My presence. Stop trying to carry burdens that were never meant for you. Can you trust Me with your worries? With your future? Surrender your need for control, and watch as I turn your surrender into a beautiful story of peace and fulfillment.

But there’s more…
Purity of heart—that’s something I long to see in you. This isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being real, being honest with Me and with yourself. Child, when was the last time you let yourself be completely transparent with Me, like a clear glass that allows light to pass through without distortion? When your heart is pure, you’ll start to see Me in every little thing—in a sunrise, in a smile, in the quiet moments of your day. You’ll see My fingerprints on your life in ways you never noticed before. Can you feel Me right now, speaking to you, reaching out to embrace you?

And finally, don’t underestimate the power of meekness.
The world shouts that strength is loud and forceful, but I whisper that true strength is quiet and gentle. It’s the unshakable calm in the storm. It’s the ability to stand firm, without having to fight for your place. The meek will inherit the earth, because they trust Me to be their defender, their provider. Are you ready to rest in that confidence?

There’s so much more I want to show you through these teachings. If you let them sink into your heart, they will change the way you see yourself, your relationships, and the world around you. Don’t let these words be like seeds that fall on hard ground. Let them take root deep within you and bloom into a life full of grace, peace, and purpose.

So, My beloved child, I ask you now: are you ready to take this journey with Me? I’m calling you to step into the light of these truths and watch as they transform every corner of your life. If this message has touched you today, subscribe to this channel and join Me for more moments like this—moments that can lead you to the life of abundance and peace that I have always desired for you.

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