5 Ways God Reveals Who You Should Marry. God Message 08 NOV 2024
My beloved child, listen closely, for today I wish to share with you the ways in which I guide you to know who should walk by your side in the sacred bond of marriage. This is no ordinary decision, for it shapes the course of your life and soul. I am here to show you five signs that reveal whom I have chosen for you—signs that, when recognized, will fill your heart with certainty and peace. So, open your heart and listen, for these are my words just for you.
First Sign: The Peace That Surpasses Understanding
My child, have you ever felt an indescribable calm in the presence of someone? When I place the right person in your life, you will experience a peace that is profound and unwavering. This peace is not a fleeting emotion or the thrill of infatuation, but rather a deep, soul-level assurance. It’s as if your heart whispers, ‘This is home.’ This peace will endure even when challenges arise.
Imagine the story of Sarah and David. On their first meeting, they were both nervous, but as they spoke, an unexplainable ease washed over them. There was no pretending, no need for masks—only an authentic connection. This is the kind of peace I grant when I guide you to the one I have chosen.
But be cautious, my child. Do not confuse the excitement of new attraction with the deeper, lasting peace that I bestow. The peace I speak of is a constant, a refuge in the storms of life. It stays when the butterflies settle and reveals itself in how you both handle conflict, in how you find comfort in each other’s presence without saying a word.
Second Sign: Shared Values and Life Goals
I bring two people together not just for companionship, but for a shared purpose. When I knit two souls as one, it is because they hold common values and visions. You will find that your hopes, dreams, and priorities align in the places that matter most.
Think of Mark and Lena—their interests varied widely; he loved sports while she adored painting. Yet, when it came to family, faith, and their future, they were in perfect harmony. They both believed in dedicating their Sundays to worship and putting family first.
Shared values are the bedrock of lasting union. You must align on key issues: how to steward finances, how to raise children, how to treat parents, and what principles guide your decisions. Differences in these areas can sow seeds of discord that grow into chasms over time. When I unite two people, it is with the purpose that they walk together, not apart, in life’s most vital matters.
Third Sign: Approval from Loved Ones
My beloved, I often speak through the voices of those who know you well and care deeply for you. If your family and friends, those who have your best interests at heart, approve of your relationship, take note. They see what you might overlook in moments of joy or emotion.
When your parents express joy at the person you bring home, when your closest friends tell you, ‘I can see how happy they make you,’ or even the hardest-to-please relative says, ‘They’re a good match,’ understand that this is not coincidence—it is my gentle confirmation.
Do not disregard the red flags others raise. While it is true that your choice must be yours alone, remember that if a partner consistently causes discomfort or tension among those who love you, it is a warning. I use their insight to guide you, protect you, and prevent future pain.
Fourth Sign: The Test of Time
Time is my most faithful revealer. A relationship blessed by me will withstand the trials that time inevitably brings. It will not wither under pressure but instead grow stronger.
My child, look to Emma and Jacob, who endured job losses, family illnesses, and the trials of long-distance before they married. These tests refined their love, proving its depth and resilience.
A blessed relationship is marked by admiration that does not fade but deepens. You will see each other’s flaws, yet still choose to stay. You will face challenges and find that instead of drifting apart, you are drawn closer. A love that perseveres through seasons of joy and seasons of sorrow is one I have woven together. If your relationship strengthens with time, know that my hand is upon it.
Fifth Sign: Encouragement to Grow
I created relationships to be not only places of comfort but also of growth. Your chosen partner should inspire you to be the best version of yourself. They should celebrate your victories, lift you in your failures, and challenge you gently to pursue the dreams I have placed in your heart.
When Daniel met Grace, he was content with his life as it was. But Grace saw his potential and encouraged him to take the leap into a new career that aligned with his passions. Her support made him brave, and their love blossomed into a partnership that nurtured mutual growth.
A true partner will lovingly point out when you stray from my path, but they will do so with kindness. They will fuel your ambition, faith, and character. They will not seek to control or diminish you but will help you shine more brightly. If you find someone who makes you want to be better, who pushes you closer to me, cherish them. This is the love I intend for you.
But Remember, My Child...
While these signs are important, you must use the wisdom I have given you. Keep your mind clear and your heart open, for emotion can cloud even the brightest of truths. Do not rush into a commitment simply because of fleeting feelings. Observe their daily behavior—how they treat those who serve them, how they act under pressure, and how they respond to their family. These subtle moments reveal true character.
Be alert for danger signs, too. Do they show anger easily, shirk responsibility, or struggle with honesty? Are they respectful of their parents? Are they wise with their resources or reckless? These are not minor flaws to ignore but warnings for what lies ahead. Be mindful, my child.
Keep an independent spirit. Listen to advice but weigh it against what you know in your heart and mind. Most of all, maintain realistic expectations. There is no perfect person, only the one who will grow with you and choose you each day.
Patience and Prayer
Be patient, for good things take time. A rushed decision in matters of the heart can lead to lifelong regrets. Wait on me, and when the time is right, I will guide you to the one who will journey with you.
Continue to pray for clarity and direction. When you ask me to guide your path, know that I am faithful. Listen to the quiet stirrings of your spirit—I often speak in the stillness. If you feel unrest, heed it; if you feel peace, trust it.
Be Open and Grateful
Be willing to let go of your own image of what love should look like. Sometimes, the person I have for you may not fit your preconceived notions. Do not close your heart to possibilities that I present. Be grateful when love comes, and hold it with a heart full of gratitude and reverence.
Marriage as a Sacred Covenant
Marriage is a covenant, a sacred promise. Approach it with joy, seriousness, and a heart ready to grow. When you do, my beloved, you will see that love is a gift worth every moment of waiting.
Stay strong. Stay faithful. Stay hopeful.
For I am with you, now and always, guiding every step of your journey to the love that I have prepared for you.