Thank the Universe

Thank the Universe


Gracious God,

Creator of heaven and earth,

I thank You for this new day. I am humbled and filled with gratitude that You have given me life, breath, and opportunities each day.

I pray for the grace and wisdom to see each blessing You have already provided within this day. Thank You for this home that shelters me, the clothes that cover me, the food that sustains me, the family and friends who love me, the health You have given me.

Lord, my heart overflows with joy for Your ever-present mercies–for the gift of laughter, the beauty of nature, the hope of the Gospel, the promise of eternity with You.

Open my eyes today to the needs around me and show me how I can serve others in Your name.

Fill me with a servant's heart and a mind for justice. Holy Spirit, guide my words, thoughts and actions this day that they may reflect Your heart and bring glory to the Father.

May every encounter be bathed in love, grace and truth. Lord, whatever challenges come my way today, remind me of the joy that comes from simply trusting You.

You have promised never to give me more than I can bear, and to walk with me through every trial. For that, I give You thanks. Unceasingly shower me with the comfort of Your presence and the hope of eternity. And in the midst of it all, help me keep returning my heart to gratitude.

For You alone are worthy of all worship and praise, both now and forever.


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