Prayer for the Victim of Bullying

Prayer for the Victim of Bullying

God our Heavenly Father,

We lift up to You a child who is suffering from the cruel actions and words of bullies. They are your precious son or daughter, created in your image. Please grant them peace in the midst of this storm.

Fill them with your strength and courage when they feel weak and afraid. Give them wisdom to know how to respond to hurtful teasing and threats in a way that honors You. Flood their heart with your perfect love that casts out fear. Help them to see the bullies not as enemies, but as children in need of your grace and mercy just as they are.

Send helpers and allies to surround this child who is alone. Guide parents, teachers and friends to see the signs of their suffering and have the wisdom to intervene. When escape seems impossible through human means, reach down from heaven and deliver your child from this trouble.

Where their self-esteem and confidence have been shaken, rebuild them on the truth that they are deeply loved. That they bear your image and you have a plan and purpose for their life. That no lie of the enemy can take away the worth you have bestowed on them.

Grant them hope and peace as they endure this struggle, knowing that you are with them and will never leave them. Help them to keep putting one foot in front of the other, knowing that brighter days lie ahead.

Be their shield and protection, Advocate and Refuge. Heal their wounds both seen and unseen. And work in the hearts of the bullies who do not yet know the freedom of Your love, that they too might one day be transformed.

Lord, we pray for this hurting child and entrust them into your loving care. It is in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.


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