Prayer for the Unemployed Father

Prayer for the Unemployed Father


Loving Father, you see and hear the cries of this family struggling without work and a steady income. I lift up this father to you, asking that you give him peace, comfort, and hope in abundance during this difficult season.

Fill his heart and mind with your peace that surpasses all understanding. Remind him constantly of your unfailing love and faithfulness. Give him confidence that you will provide for his family's needs, even when the situation seems impossible.

Show him that there are still many blessings to be found and simple joys to be had, even in hardship. Strengthen him to wake up each day with motivation and perseverance as he seeks new job opportunities that match his giftings. Guide his steps and open the right doors.

Watch over him and give him strength for each interview and application process. Be with his wife and children also during this time of transition. Fill them with patience, understanding and grace for one another.

Unite their hearts and spirits together in a love that transcends their financial struggles. Provide any resources they need through friends, family or community organizations.

Most of all, draw this entire family closer to you, heavenly Father. May they learn even more deeply to trust in your unfailing goodness, provision and faithfulness in all things.

Help this father return to stable work that is fulfilling and allows him to provide for his family in a way that honors you. In the meantime, grant him peace and wisdom as the primary leader and protector of his household.

We ask all these things through your son Jesus, in whose mighty name we pray.


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