Prayer for the Student with Learning Disabilities

Prayer for the Student with Learning Disabilities

Heavenly Father,
You formed each student in Your image, uniquely shaping their mind, body and spirit.
I lift up this child to You, who faces challenges in learning.
Put on their lips the right words when frustration takes over.
Open their eyes to see the wisdom You desire to give.
Pour out perseverance and patience into their heart and mind.
Give them a spirit of determination that won't give up,
But will press on with courage and hope.
Let them find joy and satisfaction, not in what they achieve,
But in knowing they are Your child whom You love unconditionally.
Remove any shame of being "slower" or "different."
Replace it with confidence that they are enough, just as they are.
Surround them with friends, family and teachers who lift them up,
Who help them see their worth that comes from You alone.
Show this student their gifts and strengths they possess within.
Guide them on a path that plays to those strengths and skills.
Help them learn in a way that works for them as an individual.
Give them grace for the times they struggle or feel frustrated.
Let this student know they are not defined by their disabilities but by being made in Your image.
Help them walk boldly in theidentity You give them as Your beloved child.
May they see themselves the way You see them - perfect and whole.
I ask this in Jesus' name, who makes all things new. Amen.
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